DMV Licensed 800,000 Undocumented Immigrants under 2-year-old Law

Date of Article: 12/28/2016

Media Outlet: The Mercury News

Topic: AB-60 Licenses

Person Interviewed: SIREN Leader Ramon, Maricela Gutierrez

An Important Message from SIREN's Executive Director - We ARE #HereToStay

Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network


We will NOT be silenced, We will NOT live in fear, We WILL stand in protection of our communities and let our nation know that WE ARE #HereToStay


San Jose, CA – Yesterday, while Washington was busy preparing for the Trump Administration, immigrant and refugee communities woke up to a day filled with uncertainty regarding our safety and protection. Questions are circling around about what President Trump will do on his first days of office and what the implications of his policies will be. Although we don’t have all the answers to what he will do, what we do know is that he has been building a policy platform based on anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-LGBTQ, sexist, and prejudiced rhetoric. SIREN opposes any discriminatory executive actions that will criminalize our immigrant community, limit the ability for refugees to seek safety in the United States, rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, register or track our Muslim brothers and sisters, and any other policy that undermines the principles of inclusion and dignity for all that we have fought so diligently for.


Although many questions remain unanswered, there is one thing I know without a doubt. What I know is that our communities are resilient, and that SIREN will continue to fight for the protection and well-being of our undocumented, immigrant, and refugee communities at the local, state, and national level.  I know that millions of immigrants and refugees will continue being the backbone of our nation. I know that the 750,000 young people who benefit from DACA continue to hold tightly to their dreams and walk in line with their goals. I know that our communities continuously help to drive economic growth and bolster jobs. I know that I am my brother’s keeper and it is our responsibility to uplift and protect one another. We encourage you to actively engage with us in this fight by taking the following actions:


  • Contact your members of Congress and the White House and let them know that you urge them to stand in support of DACA and undocumented immigrants who were promised protections and security

  • Attend a Know your Rights presentation and share with interested community members

  • Take action by attending upcoming rallies and bring your friends and familiy

  • Donate to SIREN to help empower, engage and educate our communities

  • Forward our message to your network and share on social media to let everyone know that we are #HereToSTay


Last weekend, SIREN coordinated San Jose’s Day of Action for Immigrant and Refugee Rights with community partners. This was one of 70 events across the nation where people of conscience gathered  to amplify the message that we will not tolerate the threats and hatred promoted by the Trump Administration. We will continue our message that we will not stand for injustice done to any one one of us. Our nation was founded and upheld by refugees and immigrants and we will not tolerate a dishonor to our communities. We are #HereToStay!


In Solidarity,


Maricela Gutiérrez

Executive Director

Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN)


Media Contact

Name: Laila Waziri
Phone: (408) 453-3003 ext. 113
Email address:



Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN): Here to stand for immigrants and refugees rights!

Un Mensaje Importante de la Directora Ejecutiva de SIREN

Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Networks


NO vamos a ser silenciados, NO vamos a vivir con miedo, ESTAREMOS firmes en la protección de nuestras comunidades y dejaremos saber a nuestra nación que estamos #AquíParaQuedarnos.

San José, CA-  Ayer, mientras que Washington estaba ocupado preparándose para la Administración de Trump las comunidades de inmigrantes y refugiados despertaron a un día lleno de incertidumbre respecto a nuestra seguridad y protección. Preguntas circulan acerca de lo que el presidente Trump hará en sus primeros días en la oficina y cuáles serán las implicaciones de sus políticas. Aunque no tenemos todas las respuestas a lo que él hará, lo que sí sabemos es que él ha estado construyendo una plataforma de política basada en anti inmigrantes, anti musulmanes, anti LGBTQ, retórica sexista y prejuiciosa. SIREN se opone a cualquier acción ejecutiva discriminatoria que criminalice nuestra comunidad inmigrante, límite las capacidades de los refugiados para buscar seguridad en los Estados Unidos, rescindir la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA), registrar o rastrear a nuestros hermanos y hermanas musulmanes y cualquier otra política que socave los principios de inclusión y dignidad para todos los que hemos luchado con tanta diligencia.

Aunque muchas preguntas permanecen sin respuesta, hay una cosa que sé sin duda. Lo que sé es que nuestras comunidades son resistentes y que SIREN continuará luchando por la protección y el bienestar de nuestras comunidades de indocumentados, inmigrantes y refugiados a nivel local, estatal y nacional. Sé que millones de inmigrantes y refugiados seguirán siendo la columna vertebral de nuestra nación. Sé que los 750,000 jóvenes que se benefician de DACA siguen manteniendo firmemente sus sueños y caminar en línea con sus objetivos. Sé que nuestras comunidades continúan ayudando a impulsar el crecimiento económico y reforzar los empleos. Sé que soy el guardián de mi hermano y es nuestra responsabilidad elevarnos y protegernos unos a otros. Le animamos a participar activamente con nosotros en esta lucha tomando las siguientes acciones:

Esté en contacto con sus miembros del congreso y la casa blanca y hágales saber que usted les pide que apoyen DACA y a los inmigrantes indocumentados que se les prometieron protección y seguridad.

Asista a una presentación sobre sus derechos y comparta con los miembros de la comunidad interesados.

Tome acción asistiendo a las próximas reuniones y traiga a sus amigos y familiares

Done a SIREN para ayudar a capacitar, involucrar y educar a nuestras comunidades

Envíe su mensaje a su red y comparta en los redes sociales para que todos sepan que estamos #AquíParaQuedarnos

El fin de semana pasado, SIREN coordinó el Día de Acción de San José para los Derechos de Inmigrantes y Refugiados con socios comunitarios. Éste fue uno de los 70 eventos en toda la nación donde las personas de conciencia se reunieron para ampliar el mensaje de que no vamos a tolerar las amenazas y el odio promovido por la Administración Trump. Continuaremos nuestro mensaje de que no toleraremos la injusticia cometida contra cualquiera de nosotros. Nuestra nación fue fundada y sostenida por refugiados e inmigrantes y no toleraremos una deshonra a nuestras comunidades Estamos #AquíParaQuedarnos

En solidaridad,

Maricela Gutiérrez

Directora Ejecutiva

Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN)

Media Contact

Name: Laila Waziri
Phone: (408) 453-3003 ext. 113
Email address:



Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN): Here to stand for immigrants and refugees rights!

California Values Act

California Values Act

What is The California Values Act (SB 54)?



SB 54 is a bill introduced by Senator Kevin de León that protects all Californians by ensuring that state and local resources are not used for mass deportations, separation of families or to divide Californians on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, immigration status, or national or ethnic group. This bill would create “safe zones” around public places such as public schools, courthouses and hospitals. Immigration enforcement would be banned from these places and this bill would also require these agencies to update their confidentiality policies so that immigration status is not shared for enforcement purposes.

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Vote Yes on County and Local Ballot Measures A, E, and V!

It’s not just the Presidential race that will be on the ballot this year! Several key measures in Santa Clara County, San Jose, and Mountain View will have a significant impact to improve the lives of local immigrant communities. Read on to learn more about Santa Clara County’s Measure A, the City of San Jose’s Measure E, and the City of Mountain View’s Measure V.

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