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National Voter Registration Day

We’re excited to once again be part of a national effort to strengthen our community by registering hundreds of voters on National Voter Registration Day, September 22, 2015.

First started for the 2012 presidential election, National Voter Registration Day has become a 50-state holiday when thousands of organizations, like SIREN, and volunteers across the country organize to ensure our family, friends, and neighbors are registered to vote.

It’s Important to Register Now!

While next year’s Presidential election will be one of the most important of our lifetime, there are many primary elections as well as state and federal elections taking place. As a non-partisan coalition of organizations, National Voter Registration Day is the perfect opportunity to get involved no matter what party you support or which issues matter most to you.

We invite you to register to vote and use #CelebrateNVRD on social media to spread the word!