June is Immigrant Heritage Month!

As a supporter of SIREN, we invite you to join us to kick off the 2nd Annual Immigrant Heritage Month, a nationwide effort to gather and share inspirational stories of immigration in America. IHM 2015 includes partnerships with community organizations, elected officials, corporations, media outlets, athletes, artists and thought leaders who will help us amplify our message, encouraging us all to celebrate our immigrant heritage as a source of pride.

Throughout the month of June, SIREN will highlight and share the immigrant stories of staff and board members, immigrant leaders, community members, and local elected officials to showcase the diversity, influence, and impact immigrants have made in Silicon Valley.

The universal American ethos of entrepreneurship, inclusion, strength and resilience unifies us all. By highlighting the intersections of each unique immigrant experience, IHM 2015 will dispel myths and illuminate how each individual journey has been instrumental to the formation, foundation, and ongoing strength of the United States of America.

To kick off Immigrant Heritage Month and celebrate throughout June:

  • Share official Immigrant Heritage Month content on your own social media channels directly from our website, facebook, or twitter
  • Create your own digital content highlighting your immigrant heritage or celebrating immigrant contributions of your family or community over the generations
  • Co-brand your posts using  the official hashtags #ImmigrantHeritageMonth #IHM2015 and by tagging us @SIREN_BayArea

IHM will be an exciting month and we look forward to sharing with you some of the amazing experiences that we have along the way. To join in or follow our activities throughout the month, visit our website at www.siren-bayarea.org, or follow us on facebook and twitter.  

Also visit welcome.us for more information on how to share your story and learn more about the nationwide effort.

We look forward to celebrating with you!


ABOUT WELCOME.us: Welcome.us, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to celebrating a United States that is fueled by immigrants from around the world. Immigrant Heritage Month honors the ways in which America and the immigrants who have built our country are linked in a shared, productive history.