Message from The Executive Director April 2019

Dear Friends,

The fight for immigrant and refugee rights requires unrelenting vigilance, uplifting voices that need to be heard, and a commitment to justice. Thanks to the generous support of our members, donors, and funders, we are working every day to achieve our vision of a nation where immigrants and refugees are valued, integrated, and seen as essential to our society, and where the human rights of all persons are protected and honored.

In this past month, SIREN leaders have spoken up for Santa Clara County sanctuary policies that protect immigrants and refugees, and have addressed recent concerns that have put key protections in jeopardy. We’d like thank everyone who came out to support and for your advocacy.

This month we also watched the SCOTUS oral arguments to include a citizenship question in the upcoming 2020 Census. As we begin to ramp up our Census campaign work we will be needing all of your support to assure everyone is counted. We are seeking volunteers to help us with important outreach and education work regarding the 2020 Census. Click on the link to volunteer with SIREN .

As we look at the months ahead, we are preparing for the important work of building our next generation of leaders through our Summer Youth Leadership Institute. We are also joining organizations across the country in urging for the passage of the Dream and Promise Act, providing permanent protection to those eligible for TPS, DACA and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED).

We invite you to stand with immigrants and refugees in California by standing with SIREN. It is our collective voices that will help us build power for 2020 and beyond. Your financial support can make a world of difference in providing needed services to people in need and through the empowerment of our immigrant and refugee community. Join us and make a donation today.

Thank you for your kind and generous support.

In solidarity,


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