AB 60 Train-the-Trainer Seminar: Giving Immigrant Leaders the Tools to Engage, Educate, and Empower their Communities

AB 60 Train-the-Trainer Seminar: Giving Immigrant Leaders the Tools to Engage, Educate, and Empower their Communities

Enrique and 15 other community leaders packed the SIREN conference room to take part in the first Train-the-Trainer seminar for the AB 60 driver license community education campaign. During the training, our leaders learned key points about AB 60 and the application process, techniques for delivering and strategies for setting up educational presentations, as well as ideas on how to engage people to show up and get informed.

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What Can YOU Do to Help Our Children at the Border?

What Can YOU Do to Help Our Children at the Border?

By now, you have seen the images of children crammed in detention centers, heard the children’s stories from along the border, seen the anti-immigrant protesters in Murrieta yelling at families to “go back home”, and heard our political leaders say we should send them back. Here are a few things YOU can do right now to help those in need:

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Upholding Our Values: Responding to the Unaccompanied Minors Crisis with Compassion

Upholding Our Values: Responding to the Unaccompanied Minors Crisis with Compassion

The nation remains shocked by heartbreaking images of children fleeing harm in Central America only to be crammed into immigration detention facilities along the border. While this is sadly not a new phenomenon, seeing this outpouring of young children seeking refuge and their treatment when they arrive, raises the question: how should the U.S. respond? 

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ACTION ALERT: Tell the DMV We Need Inclusive Licenses for All!

ACTION ALERT: Tell the DMV We Need Inclusive Licenses for All!

The DMV has proposed regulations on what the process to apply for AB 60 licenses would be – but these regulations need to be revised to make make sure that every Californian willing to learn the rules of the road is able to apply. Community members have until 5 PM on Monday, June 23 to ask the DMV to make sure the application process is accessible and inclusive for all.

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Press Statement: New Californian House Majority Leader Must Bring Immigration Reform Vote to the Floor

Today, House Republicans voted California’s Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) as their new Majority Leader after the defeat of Rep. Eric Cantor in the Virginia Primary earlier this month. Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) calls on the new Majority Leader to lead the House of Representatives and boldly and promptly address immigration reform. The following is a statement from SIREN:

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Press Statement: Santa Clara County Immigrant & Civil Rights Organizations Call on President Obama Not to Delay Review of Deportation Policies

On May 28, 2014, President Obama ordered U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to delay his current review of the administration’s deportation policies until the end of the summer.  The Santa Clara County Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform issues the following statement.

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SIREN Spotlight: Leader Lydia Rueda

SIREN Spotlight: Leader Lydia Rueda

Less than a year ago, San Jose resident Lydia Rueda would have been terrified to speak in public. However, after taking the oath of citizenship last August, she acquired a new air of confidence.  She now feels she has earned the right to speak out publicly. She spoke publicly for the first time this January at an action for the restoration of state services in front of San Jose City Hall.

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