SIREN Mourns the Senseless Death of 39 Migrants at the Mercy of Ill Fitted Detention Centers, Calls for Compassionate and Caring Asylum Process 

For Immediate Release: 

March 29, 2023 

Contact: Jose Servin, Communications Director, SIREN, (408) 453-3003

SIREN Mourns the Senseless Death of 39 Migrants at the Mercy of Ill Fitted Detention Centers, Calls for Compassionate and Caring Asylum Process  

Today, SIREN and other community immigrant rights advocates from around the nation mourn and stand in solidarity with the families of 39 Central and South American migrants who passed away in a deadly fire inside of a Mexican detention center in the City of Juarez. This tragedy could have been prevented, and is a direct result of reprehensible, failed immigration policies at the US-Mexico border. As the toll of human lives increases every day, we cannot emphasize enough that all elected leaders, starting with President Biden, must listen to community advocates to embrace a safe and welcoming asylum process that the majority of Americans agree with. We cannot continue to let people lose their lives because conservative pundits see immigrant lives as threats and talking points. 

“It is impossible to calculate what the world lost yesterday as a result of the tragic fire at this under-resourced and overcrowded facility. As families come to the US for help, our elected leaders are betraying the values of our communities and rejecting empathy in place of hate and danger. We mourn for those lost to a wicked immigration system and we demand that those in power, do everything that they can to reform our asylum system into one that centers care,” said Maricela Gutierrez, Executive Director of the Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN). 

Detention centers like the one that burned down in the city of Juarez have amassed because of exclusionary policies like remain in Mexico and Title 42 that deprive individuals seeking help and care from their legal right to request asylum. The impacted center housed up to 83 migrants and only had 7 employees in charge of their safety and basic needs.  

As Title 42 approaches its end date, we demand that the Biden administration withdraw their dangerous proposal to expand policies like an asylum ban that will only increase the harm that refugees and asylee seekers encounter when having to wait in makeshift housing while their right to asylum is deferred. 

We also encourage those who want to help to please consider donating to groups on the ground that will support the families of those affected. These groups include Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center, Dioscean Migrant and Refugee Services, and the Hope Institute. 

Click here to donate. 




Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN): Here to stand for immigrants and refugees rights!