Services, Immigrants Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) Condemns Lawsuit by U.S. Department of “Justice” Over California’s Policies

Media Contact: Erik Schnabel
Communications Manager

SIREN strongly condemns U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit against California’s laws to protect immigrants. Specifically, the lawsuit challenges provisions of three policies enacted in California: the Immigrant Workers Protection Act (AB 450), oversight of the immigration detention system through AB 103, and the California Values Act (SB 54). 

These policies were passed as a direct response to pushing back against the racist war on immigrants launched by Jeff Sessions and the Trump Administration. In the last few weeks, the Trump Administration has carried out Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) actions that included racial profiling, denial of access to counsel, increased enforcement at worksites, and detention of immigrants.  The policies that California, as well as local jurisdictions have enacted ensure greater oversight over detention abuses, provide rights to immigrant workers affected by immigration enforcement at their place of employment, and limit state and local law enforcement agencies in facilitating the deportation of community members. Sessions and Trump have long been intent on punishing California for our compassion and standing on the right side of justice.   

SIREN’s Executive Director Maricela Gutierrez stated, “Attorney General Sessions has proven repeatedly that he is motivated to act based on racism and misunderstanding of the law. He has shown that he will use the Department of Justice to carry out a war on immigrants, communities of color, and the Constitution. Jeff Sessions is one of the leaders’ of this Administration’s white supremacist agenda and he clearly brought his racist agenda with him to Sacramento today. California will continue to fight this Administration in the courts, in the legislature, and in the streets. ” 

Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

Donate here:

Hundreds of Youth Walkout and March to San Jose City Hall and Federal Building in Support of Clean DREAM Act and TPS and to Denounce Cruel ICE Enforcements

SIREN Press Release 3/6/18
Media Contact:
Erik Schnabel
Communications Manager

Hundreds of Youth Walkout and March to San Jose City Hall and Federal Building in Support of Clean DREAM Act and TPS and to Denounce Cruel ICE Enforcements

Yesterday, hundreds of high school and college students walked out of classrooms across San Jose to urge congressional action on a Clean DREAM Act and Temporary Protective Status, and also denounce recent abusive ICE actions in Northern and Central California that resulted in the 232 people being detained. The local action, led by Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN), was part of a National Day of Action for a Clean DREAM Act, that saw actions all across the U.S. and a civil disobedience campaign in Washington D.C. urging Congress to act. As students converged on the plaza in front of San Jose City Hall, speakers took the stage to share why they felt the need for action that resulted in student walkouts. Several of the speakers who have received DACA addressed the personal impact of the Trump Administration ending the DACA program, and Congress failing to act to find a permanent solution for the affected young people. As student speaker Amairani Oronia said, “DACA has given me the opportunity to work and go to college. I have protection from immigration because of DACA but for how long?” Although speakers discussed how important DACA is to them, they were also clear that they weren’t willing to compromise their family members in order to get see DACA passed. Several of the speakers referred to various legislative solutions that have been discussed which proposed passage of DACA at the expense of criminalizing their parents for bringing them here or that pushed for the end of certain family categories in the family reunification immigrant program. Many of the speakers also denounced the recent ICE actions across Northern and Central California that occurred last week, which saw the arrest of 232 people. As has been well documented, ICE actions were extremely troubling and caused widespread panic among immigrant communities; with report of racial profiling, ICE vans driving around public parking lots, denial of detainees access to counsel, and various abusive practices. As SIREN Youth Leader, Nithya Badrinath stated in her speech, “ICE has deported, is deporting and wants to deport even more people who came to this country to chase the American Dream, the ideal that this country was founded on, to escape violence and hardship in their native countries, and to live a normal life where they can feel safe and protected”. After gathering at San Jose City Hall to hear the speakers, the youth then marched to the Robert F. Peckham Federal Building to continue the rally, before returning to San Jose City Hall to finish the action.


Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

Donate here:

SIREN Media Advisory: Immigrant youth participate in march for a clean DREAM Act, TPS, and to denounce ICE activity

For Immediate Release: Friday, March 2, 2018

Contact: Jeremy Barousse       

Director of Civic Engagement



Friday, March 2, 2018

2:00 PM


Immigrant youth participate in march for a clean DREAM Act, TPS, and to denounce ICE activity

San José, CA - On Monday, March 5, 2018,  hundreds of students will be participating in Rally a march to urge Congress to pass a clean DREAM Act for over one million DREAMers, call for the reinstatement of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for countries that were terminated, and to denounce the heightened ICE activity in Northern California, especially the recent arrest of 232 people last week by ICE. The school walkouts come on the initial deadline that was announced by the Trump administration back in September 2017 as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to be officially terminated.

Led by the immigrant rights organization Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN), youth from across San José will be gathering at San José City Hall for a rally, spoken word, and participate in healing activities, and will then march to the Robert F. Peckham Federal Building for a program of speakers that include DACA recipients, Dreamers, educators, and immigrant rights activists.

“We are tired of waiting for Congress to act on finding a permanent solution for DREAMers,” said student Roberto Alvarez. “March 5 will be the date that we all rise up and tell Congress to stop delaying on a clean DREAM Act, to reinstate TPS, and to fight back against ICE activity in our local community.”

Program speakers will be available for interviews following the action.


WHO: DREAMers, immigrant youth, immigrant rights allies

WHAT: Youth march and rally in downtown San Jose to urge Congress to pass clean DREAM Act, reinstatement of TPS, and denounce local ICE activity

WHEN: Monday, March 5, 2018. Gather at 2 pm, rally to start at 2:30 pm.

WHERE: Gather San José City Hall, 200 E Santa Clara Street, San Jose, CA 95113 and march to Robert F. Peckham Federal Building located at 280 S. First St. San Jose, 95112.   

Para Lanzamiento Inmediato: Viernes 2 de Marzo, 2018

Contacto: Erik Schnabel

Gerente de Communicaciones


**Consultivo de Medios de Comunicación: SIREN**

Viernes, 2 de Marzo, 2018


Jovenes Inmigrantes participan en marcha para un DREAM Act limpio, TPS, y para denunciar las actividades de ICE

San Jose, CA – El lunes 5 de Marzo, cientos de estudiantes van a reunirse para participar en una marcha para urgir al Congreso para que pasan un DREAM Act limpio param mas de un million de DREAMers, convocar la reinstalación de un Estatus Protector Temporanio (TPS) para los países que ya estaban terminados, y para denunciar el alto nivel de acción departe de ICE en el Norte de California, especialmente con los recientes arrestos departe de ICE de 232 personas la semana pasada. Las huelgas de la escuela se deben a la fecha inicial en la que la administración de Trump anucio en Septiembre del 2017 que el programa de DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) seria oficialmente terminado.

Dirigidos por la organización de derechos inmigratorios Servicios, Derecho Inmigratorios y Red Educativa (SIREN), jóvenes de todas partes de San Jose van a reunirse enfrete del Palacio Municipal de San Jose para una reunion, donde podrán hablar, participar en actividades de curación, y de ahí marcharan al edificio federal de Robert F. Peckham para un programa lleno de representantes que incluyen destinatarios de DACA, DREAMers, educadores, y activistas de derechos inmigratorios.

“Estamos cansados de esperar que el Congreso atue para encontrar una solución permanente para los DREAMers,”dice el alumno Roberto Alvarez. “El 5 de Marzo será la fecha en el que todos vamos a subirnos y decirle al Congreso que paren de demorar en obtener un DREAM Act limpio, que reinstalen TPS, y luchar encontra de las actividades de ICE en nuestra comunidad local.”

Parlantes del Programa podrán ser entrevistados después de la acción.


QUIEN: DREAMers, jóvenes inmigrantes, aliados de derechos inmigratorios

QUE: Reunion y marcha juvenil en el centro de San Jose para urgir al Congreso en pasar un DREAM Act limpio, reinstalar TPS, y denunciar la actividad local cometida por ICE

CUANDO: Lunes, 5 de Marzo del 2018. Reunirse a las 2pm, reunión empieza a las 2:30pm.

DONDE: Reunirse en el Palacio Municipal de San Jose, 200 E. Santa Clara Street, San Jose, CA 95113 y marchar al Edificio Federal Robert F. Peckham localizado en el 280 S. First St. San Jose, CA 95112

Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

Donate here:

March Newsletter/ Boletín de Marzo

As I write this letter I feel outraged because of the continuing blatant assaults on our immigrant and refugee communities throughout the nation. In the Bay Area alone, since Sunday over 150 individuals were picked up by ICE as part of a massive effort to terrorize our communities.  

These people were our family members, our friends, our neighbors, and members of our communities. For many of them, their only crime, according to our government, is that they are immigrants. ICE’s new mission is to rid the U.S. of its greatness – the hardworking people who have immigrated here to pursue their American dream.

We are living in unprecedented times when the highest authorities in the nation have declared war on immigrants.  The President of the United States compares immigrants to snakes, calls us criminals, and spreads lies about us. The time for action is now. Do you believe in the vision that this is a nation of immigrants? Will you help us stop the atrocities that are happening in our communities right now?

History will judge us on our actions today. We ask you to consider how you can be part of SIREN’s efforts to protect immigrants and refugees in our community. SIREN will always be there for immigrants and refugees when they are under attack, and our programs have been developed to stand up for the rights of everyone. Through our legal services program, our policy advocacy work, our Rapid Response Texting Network, our Know Your Rights trainings, Community Organizing or any of our other many areas of work- SIRENis here to both fight for your rights, as well as to help you know how to fight for your rights.

Now more than ever, SIREN needs to be strong to stand up to these abuses of power and attacks on our community. We hope that you’ll join us by donating, becoming a member, by volunteering, or participating in our programs. See our website for more information on how you can get involved. Thank you for your support.
In solidarity,
Maricela Gutiérrez


Mientras escribo esta carta, me siento indignada debido a los continuos ataques flagrantes contra nuestras comunidades de inmigrantes y refugiados en todo el país. Solo en el Área de la Bahía, desde el domingo más de 150 personas han sido recogidas por ICE como parte de un esfuerzo masivo para aterrorizar a nuestras comunidades.

Estas personas eran nuestros familiares, nuestros amigos, nuestros vecinos y miembros de nuestras comunidades. Para muchos de ellos, su único crimen, según nuestro gobierno, es que son inmigrantes. La nueva misión de ICE es destruir la grandeza de los Estados Unidos -  la gente trabajadora que ha inmigrado aquí para perseguir su sueño americano.

Estamos viviendo en tiempos sin precedentes cuando las más altas autoridades de la nación han declarado la guerra a los inmigrantes. El presidente de los Estados Unidos compara a los inmigrantes con las serpientes, nos llama delincuentes y difunde mentiras sobre nosotros. El tiempo para actuar es ahora. ¿Cree usted en la visión de que esta es una nación de inmigrantes? ¿Nos puede ayudar a detener las atrocidades que están sucediendo en nuestras comunidades en este momento?

La historia nos juzgará sobre nuestras acciones de hoy. Le pedimos que considere cómo puede ser parte de los esfuerzos de SIREN para proteger a los inmigrantes y refugiados en nuestra comunidad. SIREN siempre estará aquí para los inmigrantes y refugiados cuando están siendo atacados, y nuestros programas se han desarrollado para defender los derechos de todos. A través de nuestro programa de servicios legales, nuestro trabajo de promoción de políticas, nuestra red de mensajes de respuesta rápida, nuestros entrenamientos para conocer sus derechos, nuestros esfuerzos organizando a la comunidad o cualquiera de nuestras otras muchas áreas de trabajo, SIREN está aquí para luchar por sus derechos, así como para ayudarle luchar por sus derechos.

Ahora más que nunca, SIREN necesita ser fuerte para hacer frente a estos abusos de poder y ataques a nuestra comunidad. Esperamos que se una a nosotros donando, convirtiéndose en miembro voluntario o participando en nuestros programas. Visite nuestro sitio web para obtener más información sobre cómo puede participar. Gracias por tu apoyo.

En solidaridad,

Maricela Gutiérrez


It will take every one of us getting involved to stop the injustices happening today. Here are a several ways you can help.

Volunteer for SIREN by:

  • Participating in an upcoming Ally Training.
  • Becoming a part of our phone banking efforts to push for DACA and other pro-immigrant legislation.
  • Helping us spread the word about our work in the community and through social media.
  • Register to vote and/or help register new voters.
  • Sign-up for SIREN’s Rapid Response Network and report ICE activities in your community.
  • Become a SIREN donor and/or help us with fundraising efforts.


Cada uno de nosotros necesitamos involucrarnos para parar las injusticias que estan occuriendo hoy en nuestra comunidad. Aquí hay varias formas en que puede ayudar.

Hágase voluntario para SIREN:

Participando en un próximo entrenamiento para aliados.
Conviértase en parte de nuestros esfuerzos para presionar por DACA y otras leyes pro-inmigrantes por medio de llamadas telefónicas.
Ayudenos a correr la voz sobre nuestro trabajo en la comunidad y a través de las redes sociales.

Regístrese para votar y/o ayude a registrar nuevos votantes.
Regístrese en la Red de Respuesta Rápida de SIREN e informenos de las actividades de ICE en su comunidad.
Conviértase en un donante de SIREN y/o ayúdenos con la recaudación de fondos.

Para obtener más información, visítenos en


SIREN wants to make sure people are aware of their constitutional rights when interacting with ICE and that they remain calm.

Here are our suggestions, which we will repeat in Spanish below. Please help us spread the word.

Remember that...

  • Remain calm and don’t run.
  • You have the right to remain silent.
  • You have a right to an attorney.
  • You have the right to document ICE’s activity.
  • If ICE shows up at your home, DO NOT open the door, ask for a judicial warrant signed by a judge.
  • Do not sign any documentation.
  • Don’t answer any questions without the presence of an attorney.
  • Do not show any false or foreign documents.
  • Never lie to ICE!
  • Make sure you have a family plan in place.

Text “SIREN” to (201) 468-6088 if ICE is at your home, suspect ICE activity or if a family member has been arrested by ICE.


SIREN quiere asegurarse de que las personas conozcan sus derechos constitucionales al interactuar con ICE.

Aquí están nuestras sugerencias:

Recuerda esto...

  • Mantener la calma y no correr.
  • Mantenerse callado.
  • Exigir un abogado.
  • Documentar cuando La Migra entra en su casa.
  • Si ICE aparece en su casa, no abrir la puerta. Pida una orden judicial firmada por un juez.
  • No firmar ninguna documentación.
  • No contestar ninguna pregunta sin la presencia de un abogado.
  • No mostar documentos falsos o extranjeros.
  • ¡Nunca le mienta a La Migra!
  • Haga un plan de emergencia con su familia. 

Escriba un texto a "SIREN" al (201) 468-6088 si ICE está en su casa, sospeche actividades de ICE o si un miembro de su familia ha sido arrestado por ICE.


Family Preparedness Emergency Plan Workshop/Taller de Plan de Preparación Familiar de Emergencia

Thursday/ jueves, 3/01/2018, 6pm
SIREN’s office, 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San Jose, CA
For more info:

TPS Clinic/Clínica de TPS

Saturday/sábado, 3/03/2018, 10am to 3pm
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 2020 E. San Antonio St., San Jose

Clean DREAM Act Action/ Acción de Acto de DREAM Limpio

Tuesday/martes, 3/05/2018
Location and time TBD
Please check the SIREN Facebook page for updates.

Free DACA Renewal Workshop/Taller Gratuito de Renovación de DACA

Wednesday/miércoles, 03/07/2018, 2pm to 7pm
SIREN’s office, 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San Jose, CA
Please RSVP to:

TPS Clinic/Clínica de TPS

Saturday/sábado, 3/10/2018, 10am to 3pm
Cafeteria of Mendota High School, 1282 Belmont Ave., Mendota

Free DACA Renewal Workshop/Taller Gratuito de Renovación de DACA

Wednesday/miércoles, 3/14/2018, 2pm to 7pm
SIREN’s office, 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San Jose, CA
Please RSVP to:

Free Legal Clinic/Clínica Legal Gratuito

Saturday/sábado, 3/17/2018, 8am to 12pm
Fresno Fairgrounds, Infield Parking Lot, 1121 S. Chance Rd., Fresno
For more info:

Free Citizenship Clinic/Clínica Gratuito de Ciudadanía

Sunday/domingo, 3/18/2018, 10am to 2pm
Dream Resource Center (inside Manchester Mall), 3402 N. Blackstone Ave., Suite 245, Fresno

Free Citizenship Clinic/Clínica Gratuito de Ciudadanía

Wednesday/miércoles, 3/21/2018, 1pm to 4pm
SIREN’s office, 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San Jose, CA

Free DACA Renewal Workshop/Taller Gratuito de Renovación de DACA

Wednesday/miércoles,  3/28/2018, 9am to 4pm
SIREN’s office, 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San Jose, CA
Please RSVP to:

* SIREN holds free, walk-in immigration legal clinics every Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm and FREE Know Your Right's workshops every Thursday at 10am. No appointment is necessary. 

*SIREN ofrece clínicas legales gratuitas de inmigración sin cita previa todos los jueves de 9 am a 5 pm y talleres GRATIS para conocer sus derechos todos los jueves a las 10 am. No es necesario hacer cita.

SIREN Condemns ICE Actions in Northern and Central California this Weekend/SIREN condena las acciones de ICE en el norte y centro de California

SIREN adamantly condemns ICE’s continued tactics to separate and terrorize families California. Their use of strong-arm enforcement actions and using tactics to instill fear in immigrant community has continued to spread terror.  ICE has confirmed up to 150 arrests over the last several days in Northern and Central California.  Local rapid response networks received reports of racial profiling and arrests in a convenience store, which makes it clear that ICE’s campaign of targeting undocumented immigrants, particularly Latino immigrants, is based on racism and intimidation. What is especially evident, is that the Trump Administration is seeking to send a message to California that it will continue to terrorize immigrant communities and will stop at nothing to push its racist agenda.

In this moment, SIREN is sending a clear message to immigrant communities reassuring them that immigrant rights advocates stand with them as ICE engages in its fear-based campaign. Communities should remain vigilant at all times about potential ICE actions and not just when there are coordinated actions like what occurred these past few days. It’s important for the the community to know that ICE actions don’t occur in the form of large-scale raids, but rather ICE can show up in the community, intimidate people, and even arrest individuals in public spaces. There are also reports of ICE using deception, such as forcing consent from people; using various types of warrants, regulations, and legal tactics; and coercing people to sign their deportation orders. Community members should always take precautions when they may come into contact with ICE and should always exercise their constitutional rights during these interactions and develop family preparedness plans in the event a loved one is picked up by ICE. People should also be forceful about exercising their rights so they can avoid losing their due process protections. Community members are encouraged to join SIREN’s Rapid Response texting system by texting “SIREN” to (201) 468-6088 to report ICE activity and receive community alerts . If you encounter ICE, please communicate the details via text to SIREN right away. By signing up, you’ll also get immediate notification when we confirm ICE presence in the community. To learn more about SIREN’s Rapid Response Texting Platform and about your constitutional rights please visit our webpage presence in the community. To learn more about SIREN’s Rapid Response Texting Platform and about your constitutional rights please visit our webpage at If people have additional legal questions, they can come to our Free weekly legal clinics that take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays at our offices at 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108 between the hours of 9am-5pm. SIREN also has an upcoming Family Emergency Plan workshop for Spanish speakers on “How To Prepare Your Family Emergency Plan” in the event a loved one is placed in detention or deportation proceedings , this Thursday at 6:00pm at our San Jose Office located at 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San José or you can email: or call (408)453-3017 for additional information. The Facebook page for this event is: 

As a reminder, you have rights. Under the U.S. Constitution, we all have the following rights regardless of immigration status, including:

  • Remain calm and don’t run.
  • You have the right to remain silent.
  • You have the right to an attorney.
  • You have the right to document ICE’s activity.
  • If ICE shows up to your house, don’t open the door. Ask for a judicial warrant signed by a judge.
  • Do not sign any documentation.
  • Don’t answer any questions without the presence of attorney.
  • Do not show any false or foreign documents.
  • Never lie to ICE!

For media inquiries:

La Red de Servicios, Derechos de Inmigrantes y Educación (SIREN) condena las acciones de ICE en el Norte y en el Valle Central de California

SIREN condena terminantemente las tácticas continuas de ICE para separar y aterrorizar a las familias en California. Acciones de aplicación de tácticas continuas para infundir temor en la comunidad inmigrante continuaron. ICE ha confirmado hasta 150 arrestos en los últimos días en el Norte y Valle Central de California. Las redes locales de respuesta rápida recibieron informes de perfiles raciales y arrestos en una tienda de conveniencia, lo que deja en claro que la campaña de ICE para atacar a inmigrantes indocumentados, en particular inmigrantes latinos, se basa en el racismo y la intimidación. Lo que es especialmente evidente, es que la Administración Trump está tratando de enviar un mensaje a California que continuará aterrorizando a las comunidades de inmigrantes y no se detendrá ante nada para impulsar su agenda racista.

En este momento, SIREN está enviando un mensaje claro a las comunidades de inmigrantes asegurándoles que los defensores de los derechos de los inmigrantes los respaldan a medida que ICE se involucra en su campaña basada en el miedo. Las comunidades deben permanecer vigilantes en todo momento sobre las posibles acciones de ICE y no solo cuando hay acciones coordinadas como las que ocurrieron en los últimos días. Es importante que la comunidad sepa que las acciones de ICE no ocurren en forma de redadas a gran escala, sino que ICE puede aparecer en la comunidad, intimidar a la gente e incluso arrestar a personas en espacios públicos. También hay informes de ICE usando engaños, como forzar el consentimiento de las personas; usando varios tipos de órdenes, regulaciones y tácticas legales; y coaccionando a las personas a firmar sus órdenes de deportación. Los miembros de la comunidad siempre deben tomar precauciones cuando tengan contacto con La Migra y siempre deben ejercer sus derechos constitucionales durante estas interacciones y desarrollar planes de preparación familiar en caso de que La Migra recoja a un ser querido. Las personas también deben ser contundentes a la hora de ejercer sus derechos para evitar perder las protecciones. Se alienta a los miembros de la comunidad a unirse al sistema de mensajes de texto de respuesta rápida de SIREN enviando un mensaje de texto a "SIREN" al (201) 468-6088npara informar la actividad de ICE y recibir alertas comunitarias. Si las personas se encuentran con La Migra, comunique los detalles de inmediato para que otras personas lo sepan. Al registrarse, también recibirá una notificación inmediata cuando confirmemos la presencia de La Migra en la comunidad. Para obtener más información sobre la plataforma de mensajes de Respuesta Rápida de SIREN y sobre sus derechos constitucionales, visite nuestra página web en Si las personas tienen preguntas legales adicionales, pueden acudir a nuestras clínicas legales semanales gratuitas que tienen lugar los miércoles y jueves en nuestras oficinas en 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108 entre las horas de 9 am a 5 pm. SIREN también tiene un taller de Plan de de Seguridad Familiar para hispanohablantes sobre "Cómo preparar su plan de emergencia familiar" en caso de que un ser querido sea puesto en detención o en proceso de deportación, este jueves a las 6:00 p.m. en nuestra oficina de San José ubicada en 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San José o puede enviar un correo electrónico a: o llamar al (408)453-3017 para obtener información adicional. La pagina de Facebook por esta evento es:

Como recordatorio, tienes derechos. Según la Constitución de los EE. UU., Todos tenemos los siguientes derechos independientemente de su estado migratorio. Si se enfrentan con La Migra:

  • Mantener la calma y no correr..
  • Mantenerse callado.
  • Exigir un abogado.
  • Documentar cuando La Migra entra ensu casa..
  • Si ICE aparece en su casa, no abrir la puerta. Pida una orden judicial firmada por un juez.
  • No firmar ninguna documentación.
  • No contestar ninguna pregunta sin la presencia de un abogado.
  • No mostar documentos falsos o extranjeros..
  • ¡Nunca le mienta a La Migra!

Para consultas de los medios:

Support our advocacy work and DONATE HERE.

The Fight for DREAMers Continues!

Last year SIREN received the news that President Trump was ending the DACA program with shock, anger and sadness. We channeled these feelings into our policy and advocacy work, in the hopes that we could get a permanent legislative solution for DACA recipients.

To our surprise, just a few weeks ago, a court ruling allowed for a re-opening of the DACA renewal process, providing a temporary ray of light in the fight for justice for DREAMers. This has created a small window of time to be able to submit DACA renewals.  

SIREN’s legal team is trying to submit as many DACA renewals as possible before things may change. Although our team is already at capacity in providing legal services to the immigrant community, we are directing all of our energy to ensuring that we can help as many people as possible. We are proud to share that the entire DACA renewal process has been free through SIREN, as we are processing these renewals at no-cost, and ensuring that the $495 application renewal fee is waived.

But we need your help today! In order to be able to continue to provide free legal help with DACA renewal applications, and to cover all the applications fees at no cost to the applicant, SIREN needs your financial support.

Your donation ensures that we can hire additional lawyers to help keep up with the increased demand. We would like to also train additional volunteers to take some of the burden off of our attorneys to lighten their load and provide more capacity to complete applications.

Your donation today can help make a difference in the lives of local DACA recipients, and ensure that they have the support they need to renew their application and continue to fight for a permanent solution.

Will you please make a donation today to help SIREN help DACA renewal applicants today? Donate here.  Thank you for your continued support.

In community spirit,

Maricela Gutiérrez

Executive Director

SIREN Condemns Senate’s Failure to Find Solution for DREAMers and Racist Amendments to Senate Immigration Bill

Media Contact: Erik Schnabel, Development and Communications Manager
Phone Number: (408) 453-3003

This week, the Senate began the long anticipated debate on a bill to provide a solution for DREAMers which has been urgently needed since Trump ended the DACA program months ago. In reality, the stage for this bill began during the presidential campaign where Trump propelled to his eventual victory on racist anti-immigrant rhetoric and propaganda. 

The debate that began in the Senate this week was a natural result of this destructive campaign to demonize immigrants and people of color. Senators on both sides of the aisle caved into Trump’s agenda by introducing damaging amendments that continued the racist pandering  rather than focusing on a narrow solution for DREAMers. In the end, the Senate could not reach 60 votes on any amendments. 

SIREN has been weighing in with our California Senators throughout this debate, given that Senators Feinstein and Harris may have been convinced to vote for the worst amendments. We commend our California Senators for standing firm against harmful amendments that would have punished “sanctuary” jurisdictions and codified Trump’s immigration proposal to severely curtail family immigration, end the diversity visa program, and create a border wall. Yet, we are strongly disappointed that Senator Feinstein voted in favor of the Rounds-King amendment, the Immigration and Security Opportunity Act, which would have prevented the parents of DREAMers from being sponsored by their DREAMer children for a green card if they were involved in bringing their children to the US, eliminated the ability of green card holders to sponsor their unmarried adult children, placed an age cap on individuals being eligible for DREAM, appropriated $25 billion for a border wall, and codified Trump’s enforcement priorities to take away prosecutorial discretion.    

SIREN’s Executive Director Maricela Gutiérrez stated, “SIREN strongly condemns the introduction of the racist, anti-immigrant amendments and the Senate’s failure today to move forward with a narrow legislative solution for DREAMers. We are glad that enough Senators voted against the worst amendments but are saddened to see them unable to move forward with vote on a bill that focuses solely on DREAM and would enjoy bipartisan support. But this proves once again that the Senate needs to stop trying to package unacceptable amendments that many voters are opposed to and to instead urgently focus on a narrow solution for DREAMers. They should be making their decisions based on striving for justice and equality with a clean DREAM Act as their guiding light, not on demonization and lies set up by Trump. We will continue this fight and it is not yet over.. ”

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Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) Speaks Out on Congressional Budget Vote That Once Again Ignored a Clean DREAM Act

Media Contact: Erik Schnabel, Development and Communications Manager
Phone Number: (408) 453-3003

Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) Speaks Out on Congressional Budget Vote That Once Again Ignored a Clean DREAM Act

In the middle of the night, the Senate and the House of Representatives disappointed 86% of America by passing a bill for a continuing budget resolution to keep the government open for the second time in three weeks. Despite the efforts to keep a conversation going to ensure a clean DREAM Act gets a fair vote in Congress, both Republicans and Democrats ignored the looming deadline to address the uncertainty that DREAMers face particularly as we quickly approach the March 5 DACA deadline. Disappointingly, a majority of our members of Congress chose to side with racism and dismiss the voices of millions of Americans to address the situation and voted to sell out DREAMers. 

SIREN condemns this callous attempt to ignore what is a serious and urgent crisis. Next week, the Senate is slated to take up an immigration bill which could be subjected to amendments that harm the immigrant community. SIREN Executive Director Maricela Gutiérrez commented, “Congress failed DREAMers and the immigrant community once again by passing a continuing resolution with no immigration solutions. Instead, too many members of Congress are showing their lack of concern for these brave young people. With the Senate debate expected next week, Congress cannot fail us again. Now is the time to ensure that Congress addresses this crisis and passes a bill that is a clean DREAM bill without a border wall, cuts to the family immigration system, or elimination of the diversity visa program  We need to make sure that Congress solves this crisis now and does not cave into the will of racists and a bully in the White House by supporting any anti-immigrant amendments."

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Red de Servicios, Derechos de los Inmigrantes y Educación (SIREN) Habla Sobre el Voto del Congreso Sobre El Presupuesto Que Una Vez Más Ignoró Una Acta de DREAM Limpia

En medio de la noche, el Senado y la Cámara de Representantes decepcionaron al 86% de los Estados Unidos al aprobar un proyecto de ley para una resolución presupuestaria continua para mantener el gobierno abierto por segunda vez en tres semanas. A pesar de los esfuerzos por mantener una conversación para garantizar que una Acta DREAM limpia tenga un voto justo en el Congreso, tanto republicanos como demócratas ignoraron la fecha límite inminente para abordar la incertidumbre que enfrentan los DREAMers cuando nos acercamos rápidamente a la fecha límite del 5 de marzo de DACA. Decepcionantemente, la mayoría de nuestros miembros del Congreso decidieron ponerse de parte del racismo y rechazar las voces de millones de estadounidenses para abordar la situación y votaron a favor de vender DREAMers.

SIREN condena este insensible intento de ignorar lo que es una crisis grave y urgente. La semana próxima, el Senado tiene previsto emprender un proyecto de ley de inmigración que podría estar sujeto a enmiendas que dañan a la comunidad inmigrante. La directora ejecutiva de SIREN, Maricela Gutiérrez, comentó: "El Congreso volvió a fallar a DREAMers y a la comunidad de inmigrantes al aprobar una resolución continua sin soluciones de inmigración. En cambio, muchos miembros del Congreso muestran su falta de preocupación por estos valientes jóvenes. Con el debate del Senado esperado la próxima semana, el Congreso no puede fallarnos de nuevo. Ahora es el momento de asegurar que el Congreso aborde esta crisis y apruebe un proyecto de ley que es una Acta de DREAM limpia sin muro fronterizo, recortes en el sistema de inmigración familiar o eliminación del programa de visas de diversidad. Debemos asegurarnos de que el Congreso resuelva esta crisis ahora y no cede a la voluntad de los racistas y un matón en la Casa Blanca apoyando cualquier enmienda anti-inmigrante ".

Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) Condemns Budget Deal Without a Clean DREAM Act

Media Contact: Erik Schnabel, Development and Communications Manager
Phone Number: 408-453-3003

SIREN strongly condemns this week’s vote  in the House of Representatives on the budget continuing resolution and the Senate deal  which do not include a clean DREAM Act. The House voted 245-182 for a Continuing Resolution to extend government spending till March 23rd. This vote and the Senate deal continues the uncertainty that many of DACA-recipients and DREAMers particularly because the continuing resolution extends beyond the March 5th deadline to end the DACA program without a legislative solution.

We must remember that this crisis was created by Trump’s own decision to end the DACA program and establish the arbitrary March 5th termination date. Yet, Congress has the responsibility to pass a clean DREAM Act urgently and several California Representatives on both sides of the aisle failed to heed the call of their constituents in their votes. Among the House members who voted for the continuing resolution without a clean DREAM Act include Reps. Jim Costa, Jeff Denham, David Valadao, Devin Nunes, and John Garamendi. We want to acknowledge House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and all the representatives who participated in a filibuster of the House legislation by sharing stories of DREAMers and for their push to have Speaker Paul Ryan to commit to bring a vote on the DREAM Act. .

Last Friday, SIREN led an action and meeting with Rep. David Valadao’s office in Hanford, CA urging him to address the situation of DREAMers. But he clearly chose to ignore the voices of DACA-recipients, DREAMers, and immigrants from his district calling for him to withhold his vote on the continuing resolution and condemn anti-immigrant proposals on the table . SIREN Executive Director Maricela Gutiérrez stated, “ We have various members of Congress in California who voted with their conscience and withheld their approval of the continuing resolution. Yet, other Members of Congress and the current Senate deal cannot continue to ignore the DREAMers that live in their district nor brush aside calls to address the future of these young people who are making a difference in their communities. We urge California’s Senators and members of Congress to withhold their support of any deal that does not include a clean DREAM Act.”

Red de Servicios, Derechos de Inmigrantes y Red Educativa (SIREN) condena el Voto de la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado sobre la resolución continua sin una Acta de DREAM limpia

Para más información contacte a: 
Erik Schnabel, Gerente de Desarrollo y Comunicaciones con SIREN
Tel. (408) 453-3003

SIREN condena enérgicamente el voto de ayer en la Cámara de Representantes sobre la resolución continua del presupuesto y el trato del Senado hoy sin incluir una Acta de DREAM limpia. La Cámara votó 245-182 por una Resolución Continua para extender el gasto del gobierno hasta el 23 de marzo. Este voto y el acuerdo del Senado continúan la incertidumbre que muchos de los beneficiarios de DACA y DREAMers particularmente porque la resolución continua se extiende más allá de la fecha límite del 5 de marzo para terminar el programa de DACA sin una solución legislativa.

Debemos recordar que esta crisis fue creada por la propia decisión de Trump de finalizar el programa DACA y establecer la fecha arbitraria de finalización del 5 de marzo. Sin embargo, el Congreso tiene la responsabilidad de aprobar una Acta de DREAM limpia con urgencia y varios Representantes de California en ambos lados del pasillo no respondieron el llamado de sus electores en sus votaciones. Entre los miembros de la Cámara que votaron por la resolución continua sin una Acta de DREAM limpia están los representantes Jim Costa, Jeff Denham, David Valadao, Devin Nunes y John Garamendi. Queremos agradecer a la líder de la minoría de la Cámara, Nancy Pelosi, y a todos los representantes que participaron en una obstrucción de la legislación de la Cámara al compartir historias de DREAMers y por su presión para que el Rep. Paul Ryan se comprometa a votar el DREAM Act. .

El viernes pasado, SIREN dirigió una acción y se reunió con la oficina del Representante David Valadao en Hanford, California, instándolo a abordar la situación de los Soñadores. Pero él claramente optó por ignorar las voces de los destinatarios de DACA, los DREAMers y los inmigrantes de su distrito que lo llamaban para que rehusara su voto sobre la resolución continua y condenara las propuestas anti-inmigrantes sobre la mesa. La Directora Ejecutiva de SIREN, Maricela Gutiérrez, declaró: "Tenemos varios miembros del Congreso en California que votaron con su conciencia y no aprobaron la resolución continua. Sin embargo, otros miembros del Congreso y el actual acuerdo del Senado no pueden seguir ignorando a los DREAMers que viven en su distrito ni ignorar los llamados a abordar el futuro de estos jóvenes que están haciendo una diferencia en sus comunidades. "El Senado votará en breve sobre su acuerdo y luego se trasladará a la Cámara. Instamos a los senadores y miembros del Congreso de California a que no envíen su apoyo a ningún acuerdo que no incluya un Acta de DREAM limpia."

Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) Condemns White House Announcement to Not Extend DACA Deadline and Plan to Create of a National Vetting Center

Media Contact: Erik Schnabel, 
Development and Communications Manager
Phone Number: 415-377-0387

SIREN strongly condemns the news out of Washington DC today that Chief of Staff John Kelly has said that the White House will not extend the deadline for a legislative solution to the end of DACA beyond March 5th because, as Kelly stated, he’s “not sure this president has the authority to extend it”. In the same discussion with reporters, Kelly stated that President Trump will sign a presidential memo authorizing a “National Vetting Center” creating a physical location with rigorous screening for all foreign visitors, refugees, and others entering the U.S. as well as certain individuals currently in the country.

With the decision not to extend DACA beyond March 5th, it is clear that Trump is once again playing games with DREAMers while they anxiously wait for a legislative solution. SIREN Executive Director Maricela Gutierrez stated, “It’s become evident to anyone watching the situation that Trump is trying to sabotage negotiations in order to not find a solution to his own ending of DACA. Trump is clearly not negotiating in good faith and continues to appeal to his racist base by ensuring there is no legislation to address this situation created by him. It’s clear through numerous court cases that the President does have the authority to both support legislative solutions for DREAMers and also extend the deadline, but he is deliberately choosing not to. It’s politics at its worst!”

SIREN also condemns the new plan from Trump to create a “National Vetting Center”  as unnecessary and counter to American values. Contrary to Trump’s continuing assertion that there needs to be “extreme vetting”, visa applicants and refugees who have been approved for entry, already go through rigorous procedures to be allowed to enter the country. Refugees especially, go through a long and cumbersome process that can take years before they are approved for resettlement in the U.S. SIREN Executive Director Maricela Gutierrez stated, “It’s clear that Trump has no interest in finding a clear and humane process to address the problems with the current visa and refugee system. Instead, he’s completely fine with throwing away our country’s values in order to score cheap political points with his base, even when his ideas have no basis in reality and are filled with lies.”

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Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network

Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) condena
Anuncio de la Casa Blanca de no ampliar la fecha límite de DACA y planear la creación de un centro nacional de investigación

Contacto con los medios: Erik Schnabel, Gerente de desarrollo y comunicaciones
Número de teléfono: 415-377-0387
Correo electrónico:

SIREN condena firmemente las noticias de Washington DC, que el jefe de personal John Kelly ha dicho que la Casa Blanca no extenderá la fecha límite para una solución legislativa al final de DACA después del 5 de marzo porque, como dijo Kelly, “no está seguro de que este presidente tienga la autoridad para extenderlo ". En la misma discusión con los reporteros, Kelly declaró que el presidente Trump firmará un memorando presidencial autorizando un "Centro Nacional de Vetting" creando un lugar físico con una selección rigurosa para todos los visitantes extranjeros, refugiados y otras personas que ingresen a los EE. UU.

Con la decisión de no extender DACA más allá del 5 de marzo, está claro que Trump está jugando nuevamente con los SOÑADORES mientras esperan ansiosamente una solución legislativa. La directora ejecutiva de SIREN, Maricela Gutiérrez, declaró: "Es evidente para cualquiera que ve la situación, que Trump está tratando de sabotear las negociaciones para no encontrar una solución a su propia finalización de DACA. Trump claramente no está negociando de buena fe y continúa apelando a su base racista al asegurar que no haya legislación para abordar esta situación creada por él. Está claro a través de numerosos casos judiciales que el presidente tiene la autoridad para apoyar soluciones legislativas para SOÑADORES y también extender el plazo, pero deliberadamente elige no hacerlo. ¡Es la política en su peor momento!”

SIREN también condena el nuevo plan de Trump para crear un "Centro Nacional de Vetting" como innecesario y contrario a los valores estadounidenses. Contrariamente a la afirmación continua de Trump de que es necesario que haya una "investigación exhaustiva", los solicitantes de visas y los refugiados que han sido aprobados para ingresar, ya pasan por procedimientos rigurosos para poder ingresar al país. Los refugiados, especialmente, atraviesan un proceso largo y engorroso que puede tomar años antes de que se apruebe su reasentamiento en los EE. UU. La directora ejecutiva de SIREN, Maricela Gutiérrez, declaró: "Está claro que Trump no tiene interés en encontrar un proceso claro y humano para abordar los problemas con el actual sistema de visas y refugiados. En cambio, está completamente cómodo con tirar los valores de nuestro país para anotar puntos políticos baratos con su base, incluso cuando sus ideas no tienen ninguna base en la realidad y están llenas de mentiras ."

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Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network

Foro Comunitario sobre Inmigración con la Patrulla de Caminos de California

Para publicación inmediata:
6 de febrero del 2018
Contacto: Erik Schnabel,
Development & Communications Manager
(415) 377-0387 o (408) 453-3003


martes, 6 de febrero del 2018
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Foro Comunitario sobre Inmigración con la Patrulla de Caminos de California

San José, CA - La actual administración federal ha creado miedo entre nuestra comunidad inmigrante. Los miembros de la comunidad temen caer en manos de la migra  cuando se acercan a las escuelas de sus hijos, clínicas de salud comunitarias o agentes de la ley. SIREN con la Patrulla de Caminos de California (CHP) quiere informar a la comunidad inmigrante de las políticas actuales de la agencia en lo que se refiere a los inmigrantes. Existe una distinción entre la policía local y los funcionarios del estado de California y es importante que nuestra comunidad tome conciencia de la diferencia.
El martes 6 de febrero de 2018, los líderes inmigrantes de SIREN organizará un foro comunitario con CHP en la Escuela Primaria Los Árboles en San José. El foro brindará a la comunidad la oportunidad de aprender y hacer preguntas sobre las políticas de CHP relacionadas con la inmigración y cómo se relacionan con los inmigrantes. Los oficiales de CHP también compartirán información sobre el papel de CHP como agencia de aplicación de la ley.
El foro comenzará con una mesa redonda seguida de preguntas y respuestas.
Los Líderes Inmigrantes de SIREN estarán disponibles para entrevistas con los medios.

QUIÉN: Líderes inmigrantes y oficiales de la Patrulla de Caminos de California
QUÉ: Foro con la comunidad con la Patrulla de Caminos de California para explorar las pólizas de el Camino de Patrulla en relación con inmigración, informar a la comunidad sobre sus servicios y su papel como funcionarios estatales.
CUÁNDO: martes, 6 de febrero de 2018 empezando a las 6:00 PM a 8:00 PM

DÓNDE: Escuela Primaria Los Árboles, 455 Calle Los Arboles, San Jose, CA 95111
Por favor considere una donación a SIREN:

For Immediate Release: 
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Contact: Erik Schnabel, Development & Communications Manager
(415) 377-0387 or (408) 453-3003



Tuesday, February 6, 2018

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Immigrant Community Forum with California Highway Patrol

San José, CA -- The current federal administration has created fear among our immigrant community. Local community members are fearful of falling in the hands of Immigration, Customs, Enforcement (ICE)  when approaching their children’s schools, community health clinics or law enforcement officers. SIREN with the California Highway Patrol (CHP) wants to inform the immigrant community of the agency’s current policies as it relates to immigrants. There is a distinction between local law enforcement and California State officers and it is important that our community becomes aware of the difference. 

On Tuesday, February 6, 2018, SIREN immigrant leaders will host a community forum with CHP at Los Arboles Elementary School in San Jose. The forum will provide the community the opportunity to learn and ask questions about CHP policies relating  to immigration and how they deal with immigrants. Officers from CHP will also share information about CHP’s role as a law enforcement agency. 

The forum will begin with panel discussion followed by Q&A. 

SIREN’s Immigrant Grassroots Leaders will be available for media interviews. 

WHO: Immigrant leaders and community members and California Highway Patrol Officers

WHAT: Community forum with California Highway Patrol to explore CHP policies in relation to immigration, inform the community about their services and role as state officers. 

WHEN: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 at 6:00 PM -8:00 PM

WHERE: Los Arboles Elementary School, 455 Los Arboles St, San Jose, CA 95111


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Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network