April Newsletter / Boletín de Abril

Scroll Down for Spanish Version. Desplazarse hacia abajo para la versión en Español.


Dear Friends,

Our immigrant and refugee communities continue to be attacked by the highest levels of government. Under the current administration, the America that once opened its arms to the tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses seems to be fading.

Most recently, we have witnessed the militarization of our Southwestern border, signaling war against individuals who are fleeing their home countries to escape the direst of circumstances. While California has generally rejected anti-immigrant policies coming from Washington under the Trump admristration, Governor Jerry Brown has deployed 400 National Guard personnel to the border. The caveat is that the National Guard would not enforce federal immigration laws, but would only “support operations against drug traffickers, gun runners and smuggling gangs”.

We must continue to not only be watchful, but to be loud in our opposition to policies that violate human rights.

SIREN is at the front lines of this war on our communities, and your support is critical to being able to serve thousands of individuals in need. We ask you to continue supporting our work – providing free legal services, empowering immigrant leaders, and advocating for more just public policies. Donate today!

In solidarity,

Maricela Gutiérrez



One of SIREN’s top priorities is to foster civic engagement within our communities through voter registration and education. As part of this commitment, on April 24th, 2018, SIREN hosted a candidate forum for candidates running for Santa Clara County Sheriff at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. All of the candidates on the ballot were invited, and the following participated:

  • John Hirokawa
  • Joseph La Jeunesse
  • Martin Monica
  • Jose Salcido

At the forum, the Sheriff candidates discussed their stances on immigration, public safety, and their priorities if elected. We asked questions about their positions on sanctuary cities, ICE enforcement, the County’s civil detainer policy, community policing, and many other audience-generated topics.

If you would like to see a recording of the forum, please visit SIREN’s Facebookpage as the event was transmitted via Facebook Live. We will be sharing news clips there as well.

Our thanks to all who attended! It is vitally important that as a community we continue to ask tough questions of prospective and current elected officials, and that we keep them accountable. This is democracy in action.



SIREN applauds the latest decision on DACA by U.S. District Judge John Bates. This is the third time that a federal judge has reprimanded the Trump Administration for ending DACA.

  • What is different about this new decision by Judge Bates, is that it opens up the possibility that the federal government will have to start accepting new DACA applications, whereas the two previous decisions were just about renewing DACA applications.
  • Judge Bates has given the U.S. Department of Homeland Security 90 days to come up with a valid reason for why it ended DACA.
  • Even though new applications cannot yet be submitted, thanks to the previous decisions by federal courts in California and New York, DACA renewal applications are still being accepted. 

While there is no immediate change that comes from the latest decision, SIREN is optimistic that there will be movement to open up the possibility of the federal government accepting new DACA applications. We will continue to stand up, raise our voices, and advocate for our communities through policy and legal action.

  • SIREN demands that DHS and the federal government accept the judge’s decision and allow for new applications to be accepted.
  • We urge DHS and the Trump Administration to stop playing games with DACA youth, and ultimately for Congress to grant DREAMers a permanent path to citizenship. 


It is our pleasure to introduce one of SIREN’s newest team members, Amanda Alvarado- Ford, who is an immigration attorney and our Legal Services Manager. Amanda was born and raised in Santa Clara, California. She is the proud daughter of Mexican immigrants.

Upon graduating from law school, Amanda worked as a labor lawyer at the National Labor Relations Board in New York, NY, New Jersey, and San Francisco. While working in San Francisco, she was assigned a case involving a group of Mexican immigrant welders who had been fired for trying to organize a union in their workplace. Though she was able to demonstrate they had been the victims of unfair labor practices and obtained back wages for them, the case was not a complete success. Since these workers had lacked work authorization, she could not get them reinstated to their prior positions.

After that experience, Amanda was determined to learn immigration law. Through this specialization, she saw the potential to help people become documented, and obtain work authorization. This would create a pathway to residency and ultimately citizenship, thereby making Amanda’s work truly transformational.

Most recently, Amanda collaborated with SIREN immigration attorney Grey Torrico on a T visa case for a trafficking victim. Amanda shared, “This client has taught me so much about the power of perseverance and rising above personal tragedy and disappointment. I am very happy to be a part of the SIREN team and look forward to helping the immigrant community through collaborating with my co-workers in the Immigration Legal Services Program.”

Join us in welcoming Amanda to the team!




Citizenship Day Workshop

Where: San Jose City College

Address: 2100 Moorpark Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128

When: Saturday, April 28, 2018

Time: 9:00am to 2:00pm


Fresno May Day March

Where: Eaton Plaza- Mariposa Mall

Address: 2400 Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93721 (between N and O Street)

When: Sunday, April 29, 2018

Time: 12:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m.


Mountain View Peace March and Rally for a Just Immigration Reform and Dignity for all Immigrants

Where: March begins from Rengstorff Park (corner of S. Rengstorff and Crisanto Ave.), Rally at Civic Center Plaza, 500 Castro St.

When: Tuesday, May 1st

Time: 4:30pm for March beginning, 6:00pm for Rally


Silicon Valley May Day

Where: Roosevelt Park, San Jose followed by March to City Hall

Address: 851 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose

Time: 4pm to 8pm



DACA Renewal Workshops (Free)

Where: SIREN San Jose Office

Address: 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San Jose, CA 95112

When: Wednesdays on: May 9, May 23, June 6, and June 20th

Time: 2:00pm to 7:00pm

*Please RSVP to: info@siren-bayarea.org

**Scholarships are available to cover the $495 application filing fee.


Citizenship Legal Clinics (Free)

Where: SIREN San Jose Office

Address: 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San Jose, CA 95112

When: (Every 3rd Wednesday of the month) May 16 and June 20

Time: 1:00pm to 5:00pm


SIREN Youth Organizing Meetings

Where: SIREN San Jose Office

Address: 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San Jose, CA 95112

When: Thursdays: May 10, May 14, June 14, and June 28

Time: 5:30pm to 7:00pm

*Please RSVP to: youth@siren-bayarea.org


Legal Consultations for Deportation Cases (Free)

Where: SIREN San Jose Office

Address: 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San Jose, CA 95112

When: Every Wednesday: May 2, May 16, May 23, May 30, June 6, June 13, June 20, June 27)

Time: 9:00am- 5:00pm

*No appointment necessary


Immigration Legal Consultations (Free)

Where: SIREN San Jose Office

Address: 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San Jose, CA 95112

When: (May 3, May 10, May 17, May 24, May 31, June 1, June 8, June 15, June 22, June 29)

Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm

*No appointment necessary


What: Weekly Know Your Rights Workshops

Where: SIREN San Jose Office

Address: 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San Jose, CA 95112

When: (May 3, May 10, May 17, May 24, May 31, June 7, June 8th, June 15th, June 22nd, June 29th)

Time: 10:00am to 11:00am


To register or for more information, visit us at info@siren-bayarea.org.

* SIREN holds free, walk-in immigration legal clinics every Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm and FREE Know Your Right's workshops every Thursday at 10am. No appointment is necessary. 

*Join us every Wednesday for Weekly FREE Deportation Clinic's. No appointment is necessary. 








---(Versión en Español)


Estimados Amigos/Amigas,

Nuestras comunidades de inmigrantes y refugiados continúan siendo atacadas por los niveles más altos del gobierno. Bajo la actual administración, la América que alguna vez abrió sus brazos a las masas cansadas, pobres, sin hogar y acurrucadas parece desvanecerse.

Más recientemente, hemos sido testigos de la militarización de nuestra frontera del sudoeste, lo que indica una guerra contra las personas que huyen de sus países de origen para escapar de las circunstancias más difíciles. Mientras que California generalmente ha rechazado las políticas anti-inmigrantes provenientes de Washington bajo la administración Trump, el Gobernador Jerry Brown ha desplegado a 400 miembros de la Guardia Nacional en la frontera. La advertencia es que la Guardia Nacional no impondrán las leyes federales de inmigración, sino que solo "apoyaría operaciones contra narcotraficantes, cazadores de armas y pandillas de contrabando".

Necesitamos no solo estar atentos a lo que pasa, pero también gritar nuestra oposición a las políticas que violan los derechos humanos.

SIREN está a la vanguardia de esta guerra en nuestras comunidades, y su apoyo es fundamental para poder atender a miles de personas que necesitan de nuestra ayuda. Les pedimos que continúen apoyando nuestro trabajo – brindando servicios legales gratuitos, empoderando a los líderes inmigrantes y abogando por políticas públicas más justas. ¡Done hoy!

En solidaridad,

Maricela Gutiérrez



Una de las principales prioridades de SIREN es fomentar el compromiso cívico dentro de nuestras comunidades a través del registro de votantes y la educación. Como parte de este compromiso, el 24 de abril de 2018, SIREN organizó un Foro de Candidatos para Alguacil del Condado de Santa Clara en el Centro de Mountain View Para Las Artes Escénicas. Todos los candidatos en la boleta fueron invitados y participaron los siguientes:

  • John Hirokawa
  • Joseph La Jeunesse
  • Martin Monica
  • Jose Salcido

En el foro, los candidatos para Alguacil discutieron sus posturas sobre inmigración, seguridad pública y sus prioridades si son elegidos. Hicimos preguntas sobre sus posiciones en las ciudades santuario, las actividades de ICE, la política de detención civil del condado, la vigilancia de nuestras comunidades por la policía y muchos otros temas generados por el público.

Si desea ver una grabación del foro, visite la página de Facebook de SIREN ya que el evento fue transmitido a través de Facebook Live. También compartiremos clips de noticias allí en nuestra página.

¡Les agradecemos a todos los que asistieron! Es de vital importancia que como comunidad sigamos haciendo preguntas difíciles a los funcionarios electos actuales y potenciales, y que los mantengamos responsables a sus tareas. Esto es democracia en acción.



SIREN aplaude la última decisión sobre DACA por parte del Juez Federal John Bates. Esta es la tercera vez que un juez federal ha reprendido a la Administración de Trump por terminar DACA.

  • Lo que es diferente acerca de esta nueva decisión del Juez Bates es que abre la posibilidad de que el gobierno federal tenga que comenzar a aceptar nuevas solicitudes de DACA, mientras que las dos decisiones anteriores consistieron simplemente en renovar las solicitudes de DACA.
  • El Juez Bates le ha dado 90 días al Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (Homeland Security) para presentar una razón válida por haber terminado DACA.
  • Aunque aún no se pueden presentar nuevas solicitudes, gracias a las decisiones anteriores de los tribunales federales de California y Nueva York, las solicitudes de renovación de DACA aún se aceptan.

Aunque ahorita no hay un cambio inmediato derivado de la última decisión, SIREN es optimista de que habrá un movimiento para abrir la posibilidad de que el gobierno federal acepte nuevas aplicaciones DACA en el futuro. Seguiremos poniéndonos de pie, alzando nuestras voces, y abogando por nuestras comunidades a través de políticas y acciones legales.

  • SIREN exige que el DHS y el gobierno federal acepten la decisión del juez y permitan que se acepten nuevas solicitudes.
  • Demandamos a DHS y a la Administración de Trump a que dejen de jugar con los jóvenes de DACA y últimamente que el Congreso otorgue a los DREAMers un camino permanente hacia la ciudadanía.





Es un placer presentarles a uno de los miembros más nuevos del equipo de SIREN, Amanda Alvarado-Ford, quien es abogada de inmigración y nuestra Gerente de Servicios Legales. Amanda nació y creció en Santa Clara, California. Ella es orgullosamente la hija de inmigrantes mexicanos.

Al graduarse de la facultad de derecho, Amanda trabajó como abogada laboral en la Junta Nacional de Relaciones Laborales en Nueva York, Nueva York, Nueva Jersey y San Francisco. Mientras trabajaba en San Francisco, se le asignó un caso que involucraba a un grupo de soldadores inmigrantes mexicanos que habían sido despedidos por tratar de organizar un sindicato en su lugar de trabajo. A pesar de que pudo demostrar que habían sido víctimas de prácticas laborales injustas y que obtuvieron salarios atrasados ara ellos, el caso no fue un éxito completo. Como estos trabajadores carecían de autorización para trabajar, no pudo lograr que volvieran a sus puestos anteriores.

Después de esa experiencia, Amanda estaba decidida a aprender sobre la ley de inmigración. A través de esta especialización, ella vio el potencial para ayudar a las personas a documentarse y obtener autorización para trabajar. Esto crearía un camino hacia la residencia y, en última instancia, hacia la ciudadanía, haciendo que el trabajo de Amanda sea verdaderamente transformador.

Más recientemente, Amanda colaboró on Gray Torrico, abogado de inmigración de SIREN, en un caso de visa T para una víctima de tráfico. Amanda compartió: "Este cliente me ha enseñado mucho sobre el poder de la perseverancia y sobrellevar la tragedia personal y la decepción. Estoy muy feliz de ser parte del equipo de SIREN y espero ayudar a la comunidad inmigrante a través de la colaboración con mis compañeros de trabajo en el Programa de Servicios Legales de Inmigración".

¡Únete a nosotros para darle la bienvenida a Amanda al equipo!



Taller del Día de la Ciudadanía

Dónde: San Jose City College

Dirección: 2100 Moorpark Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128

Cuándo: Sábado, 28 de abril de 2018

Hora: 9:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.


Día de Mayo de Fresno

Dónde: Eaton Plaza- Mariposa Mall

Dirección: 2400 Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93721 (entre la calle N y O)

Cuándo: Domingo, 29 de abril de 2018

Hora: 12:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m.


Mountain View Peace March y Manifestación por una Reforma Justa de Inmigración y Dignidad para Todos Los Inmigrantes

Dónde: Marcha comienza en Rengstorff Park (esquina de S. Rengstorff y Crisanto Ave.), Manifestación en Civic Center Plaza, 500 Castro St.

Cuándo: Martes, 1 de mayo

Hora: 4:30 p.m. para el inicio de la marcha, a las 6:00 p.m. para la manifestación


Silicon Valley May Day

Donde: Roosevelt Park en San Jose, seguido por la marcha hasta City Hall

Dirección: 851 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose

Hora: 4pm a 8pm



Talleres de Renovación de DACA (gratis)

Dónde: Oficinas de SIREN en San José

Dirección: 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San José, CA 95112

Cuándo: Miércoles: 9 de mayo, 23 de mayo, 6 de junio y 20 de junio

Hora: 2:00 p.m. a 7:00 p.m.

*Por favor RSVP a: info@siren-bayarea.org

**Becas están disponibles para cubrir la tarifa de presentación de la solicitud de $ 495.


Clínicas legales de ciudadanía (gratis)

Dónde: Oficinas de SIREN en San José

Dirección: 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San José, CA 95112

Cuándo: Cada tercer miércoles del més (16 de mayo y 20 de junio)

Hora: 1:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.


SIREN Youth Organizing Meetings

Dónde: Oficinas de SIREN en San José

Dirección: 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San José, CA 95112

Cuándo: Jueves: 10 de mayo, 14 de mayo, 14 de junio y 28 de junio

Hora: 5:30 p.m. a 7:00 p.m.

Por favor RSVP a: youth@siren-bayarea.org


Consultas legales para casos de deportación (gratis)

Dónde: Oficinas de SIREN en San José

Dirección: 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San José, CA 95112

Cuándo: Todos los miércoles (2 de mayo, 16 de mayo, 23 de mayo, 30 de mayo, 6 de junio, 13 de junio, 20 de junio, 27 de junio)

Hora: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

*No es necesario tener cita


Consultas legales de inmigración (gratis)

Dónde: Oficinas de SIREN en San José

Dirección: 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San José, CA 95112

Cuándo: 3 de mayo, 10 de mayo, 17 de mayo, 24 de mayo, 31 de mayo, 1 de junio, 8 de junio, 15 de junio, 22 de junio, 29 de junio

Hora: 9:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.

*No es necesario tener cita


Talleres Semanales para Conocer Sus Derechos

Dónde: Oficinas de SIREN en San José

Dirección: 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San José, CA 95112

Cuándo: 3 de mayo, 10 de mayo, 17 de mayo, 24 de mayo, 31 de mayo, 7 de junio, 8 de junio, 15 de junio, 22 de junio y 29 de junio

Hora: 10:00 a.m. a 11:00 a.m.


*Para registrarse o para obtener más información, visítenos en info@siren-bayarea.org

*SIREN ofrece clínicas legales gratuitas de inmigración todos los jueves de 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. y talleres GRATIS para conocer sus derechos todos los jueves a las 10 a.m. No es necesario hacer cita.

*Únase a nosotros todos los miércoles para la Clínica de Deportación GRATIS Semanal. No es necesario hacer cita.








Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

SIREN Condemns the Termination of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Nepal

Media Contact: Erik Schnabel, Communications Manager



Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that it would be terminating Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for people from Nepal who had been granted this status after the devastating earthquake that hit that country in 2015. The termination will take effect June 24, 2019. This announcement follows a trend by the Trump Administration to end TPS for the nationals of almost every country this has been applied to, including people from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Liberia, and Sudan. What is clear to those of us who support people from these countries is that the decision to end TPS for Nepal, just as the decision to end TPS for other countries, was not based on facts or changes in the country conditions that originally created the need for this protection. Rather this is one more step in the Trump Administration’s war on immigrants, that is disproportionately being waged on people of color and immigrants from the Global South. 

SIREN condemns in the strongest terms the termination of TPS for people from Nepal, just as it has condemned the ending of TPS for people from every country that has been ended. SIREN’s Executive Director Maricela Gutiérrez made the following statement, “We are once again calling out the Trump Administration for its callous ending of TPS for people from another country, this time for the Nepali community. Each one of these decisions is devastating for people who have lived in our communities, been our neighbors and co-workers, and who want nothing more than to stay in their adopted homelands. It’s clear that the Trump Administration does not govern on the basis of facts or compassion. But if there was any doubt, today shows this once more. We call on DHS and the Trump Administration to reconsider its decision to end TPS for Nepal, just as we condemn the end of TPS for all people who have seen the possibility of continuing to live in their adopted country legally ended overnight. We also urge Congress to act immediately with compassion to pass a permanent solution to the people that are finding the end to their ability to stay in the U.S. legally when their TPS status is ended.”

Maricela Gutiérrez - Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network

Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

Services, Immigrants Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) Applauds Latest DACA Court Decision

Media Contact: Erik Schnabel,
Communications Manager

SIREN applauds the latest decision  by a federal court in the District of Columbia that ruled that the Trump Administration ending of DACA was unlawful unless they came up with a better argument as to why they ended it. The decision by federal judge U.S. District Judge John Bates was another slap in the face to the Trump Administration in its decision to end DACA. For the third time, a federal judge have reprimanded Trump Administration for ending DACA, and called the Administration out for how it ended it. What is different about this new decision by Judge Bates, is that it opens up the possibility that the federal government will have to start accepting new DACA applications, whereas the two previous decisions were just about renewing DACA applications. Unfortunately, nothing happens right away, as Judge Bates has given the U.S. Department of Homeland Security 90 days to come up with a valid reason for why it ended DACA. However even though new applications cannot yet be submitted, thanks to the previous decisions by federal courts in California and New York, DACA renewal applications are still being accepted. 

While there is no immediate change that comes from the decision right away, SIREN is optimistic that eventually there will be movement to open up the possibility of the federal government accepting new DACA applications. SIREN demands DHS and the federal government accept the judge’s decision and allow for new applications to begin to be accepted. SIREN’s Executive Director Maricela Gutiérrez stated, “Those of us that work with DACA eligible individuals are extremely pleased that another federal judge has called out the Trump Administration for its heartless and unreasonable decision to end DACA. For the third time, a federal judge has stated what we all know: that Trump’s decision was not based on any reason other than his hatred for the immigrant community. Trump has been using DACA youth as a political tool in his war against immigrants. We urge DHS and the Trump Administration to give into reality and to stop playing games with DACA youth, and ultimately for Congress to act to grant DREAMers a permanent path to citizenship so they can stay in the U.S., their country.”

Maricela Gutierrez - Executive Director
Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network

Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

SIREN To Host Sheriff Candidate Forum TONIGHT/ SIREN SIREN presentará el foro de candidatos para aguacil ESTA NOCHE

For Immediate Release: April 24, 2018

Contact: Jeremy Barousse

               Director of Civic Engagement, SIREN





Tuesday, April 24, 2018



Immigrant Rights Organization (SIREN) to host Sheriff Candidate Forum on Immigration & Public Safety

Mountain View, CA -- On Tuesday, April 24, 2018,  the immigrant and refugee rights organization Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN) will host a candidate forum for candidates running for Santa Clara County Sheriff.

The forum, which will be held in English with translation in Spanish, will focus on immigration and public safety issues. SIREN has invited the immigrant community to attend the candidate forum so they can listen and ask questions about issues that directly impact them.

“This election will be extremely critical,” said SIREN Executive Director Maricela Gutiérrez. “Our forum will be a great opportunity for the community to hear each candidate’s perspective on the role of law enforcement in establishing trust with immigrant communities and their positions on law enforcement collaborating with ICE.”

The free public forum will be moderated by Perla Rodriguez, Chief Executive Officer of Voler Strategic Advisors.

WHO: Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN)

WHAT: Santa Clara County Sheriff Candidate Forum

WHEN: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 from 6pm to 8pm

WHERE: Mountain View Center for Performing Arts, 500 Castro Street, Mountain View, CA 94041




Contacto: Jeremy Barousse

 Director de Civic Engagement, SIREN


 Tel. 408-460-5807



Martes, 24 de abril de 2018

6:00 p.m.


Organización de los Derechos del Inmigrante (SIREN) Organiza Un Foro de Candidatos del Sheriff sobre temas de Inmigración y Seguridad Pública

Mountain View, CA - Hoy martes 24 de abril de 2018, la organización de derechos de inmigrantes y refugiados (SIREN), organizará un foro de candidatos para candidatos al sheriff del condado de Santa Clara.

El foro, que se llevará a cabo en inglés con traducción al español, se enfocará en temas de inmigración y seguridad pública. SIREN ha invitado a la comunidad de inmigrantes a asistir al foro de candidatos para que puedan escuchar y hacer preguntas sobre los temas que los impactan directamente.

"Esta elección será extremadamente crítica", dijo la directora ejecutiva de SIREN, Maricela Gutiérrez. "Nuestro foro será una gran oportunidad para que la comunidad escuche la perspectiva de cada candidato sobre el papel de la aplicación de la ley en el establecimiento de confianza con las comunidades de inmigrantes y sus posiciones en la aplicación de la ley colaborando con ICE".

El foro público gratuito será moderado por Perla Rodríguez, Directora Ejecutiva de Voler Strategic Advisors.

QUIEN: Red de servicios, derechos de los inmigrantes y refugiados (SIREN)

QUÉ: Foro de Candidatos del Sheriff del Condado de Santa Clara

CUÁNDO: Martes, 24 de abril de 2018 de 6:00p a 8:00p

DONDE: Mountain View Center for Performing Arts, 500 Castro Street, Mountain View, CA 94041

Maricela Gutiérrez - Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network

Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

Donate here:


New poll finds most parents don’t support arming teachers

New poll finds most parents don’t support arming teachers

The immigrant advocacy group Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) in San Jose has been fielding more concerns about immigration raids than in the past. Children are worried about their parents being deported, said executive director Maricela Gutierrez, which can make it hard for them to focus in class. Some school districts have even seen a decrease in student attendance, she said, after high-profile raids.

“It’s going to have long-term effects on how our children are seeing our government,” she said, “and the distrust they are building in our federal government.”

Read More

April Newsletter

April Newsletter

The fight for immigrant rights continues to be an uphill battle as both Congress refuses to act and the current administration is relentless in its efforts to deport and oppress the communities we serve. Despite the challenges we face, over the last few weeks the rise in youth activism across the country has shown us that our youth has tremendous power and can be the drivers of change.

Read More

SIREN Denounces Addition of Citizenship Question to 2020 Census

Yesterday, Department of Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross included a question regarding citizenship status in the list of questions submitted to Congress for the 2020 Census. Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN), an immigrant and refugee rights organizations serving Northern and Central California, denounces the inclusion of the question on citizenship status which will have far-reaching consequences on immigrant communities and communities of color.

The decision by the Commerce Department dangerous and blatantly anti-immigrant and will inevitably cause participation in the upcoming Census to plummet due to immigrant community members failing to complete the form out of fear.

“This question is unnecessarily intrusive and will raise concerns in all households - native- and foreign born, citizen and non-citizen about the confidentiality of their personal information linked to citizenship status and how government authorities may use that information. The consequences of the resulting undercount of immigrant communities are far-reaching impact. Census data is used to determine how basic resources, services, and representation are provided to already marginalized communities,” said SIREN’s Executive Director, Maricela Gutiérrez.

SIREN commends the bold leadership of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra for suing the Trump Administration for adding this question.

“Once again California is leading the way against bigotry and hate being spewed by this Administration,” said Gutierrez. “I applaud the Attorney General for his leadership. This fight is far from over.”

Congress will have the final approval of the 2020 Census form, and will vote this spring on the finalized form.

SIREN Condemns Billions More for Trump’s War on Immigrants and Exclusion of a Clean DREAM Act in Omnibus Spending Bill

SIREN Press Release 3/23/18
Media Contact:
Erik Schnabel
Communications Manager

SIREN Condemns Billions More for Trump’s War on Immigrants and Exclusion of a Clean DREAM Act in Omnibus Spending Bill

Today, Trump signed a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill sent to him by both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Despite desperate pleas of DREAMers to include a permanent solution to address the termination of DACA within the must-pass spending bill, there was no such solution included. Instead, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle approved billions of dollars more to fund Trump’s war on immigrants. While this may have been less funding than what Trump wanted, it will still fuel the detention and deportation machine that is tearing apart families and causing terror in immigrant communities.

The final bill includes $14 billion for Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), an increase of nearly $2 billion from last year, including funding for border militarization and fencing and hiring additional agents. While the spending bill requires some limited accountability measures, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) got a $7 billion including increased funding for detention beds, Homeland Security Investigators, and ICE attorneys. An increase of $65 million was provided for Immigration Judge teams. Even though there was less money approved than Trump wanted, this is by no means should be considered a victory for immigrants.

SIREN’s Executive Director Maricela Gutiérrez commented, “It’s clear that the majority of Congress is more concerned with fueling Trump’s racist and xenophobic war on immigrants than finding a permanent solution for DREAMers. Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, including several from California, voted in favor of this omnibus delivered to Trump. Most notable of those who voted Yes are local Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Anna Eshoo, Jim Costa and David Valadao, all of whom SIREN has recently met with to express our concerns. To put it plainly, they failed us by endorsing his deportation machine and turned their backs on DREAMers with their votes. Congress needs to develop a backbone and fight back against Trump’s agenda that terrorizes immigrants in our communities.”

Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 


SIREN Comunicado de prensa 23/03/18
Contacto con los medios
: Erik Schnabel
Gerente de comunicaciones

SIREN condena a miles de millones más por la guerra de Trump contra los inmigrantes y la exclusión de una Ley de DREAM limpio en un proyecto de ley de gastos ómnibus

Hoy, Trump firmó un proyecto de ley ómnibus de $ 1.3 billones de dólares enviado tanto por la Cámara de Representantes como por el Senado. A pesar de las súplicas desesperadas de DREAMers para incluir una solución permanente para abordar la terminación de DACA dentro de la factura de gastos obligatorios, no se incluyó esa solución. En cambio, los legisladores de ambos lados del pasillo aprobaron miles de millones de dólares más para financiar la guerra de Trump contra los inmigrantes. Si bien esto pudo haber sido menos fondos que lo que Trump quería, seguirá alimentando la maquinaria de detención y deportación que está desgarrando a las familias y causando terror en las comunidades de inmigrantes.

El proyecto de ley final incluye $14 mil millones para la Patrulla de Aduanas y Fronteras (CBP), un aumento de casi $2 mil millones del año pasado, incluido el financiamiento para la militarización de la frontera y la esgrima y la contratación de agentes adicionales. Si bien el proyecto de ley de gastos requiere algunas medidas limitadas de rendición de cuentas, el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) recibió $ 7 mil millones, incluido un mayor financiamiento para las camas de detención, los Investigadores de Seguridad Nacional y los abogados de ICE. Se proporcionó un aumento de $ 65 millones para los equipos de Juez de Inmigración. Aunque hubo menos dinero aprobado de lo que Trump quería, esto de ninguna manera debe considerarse una victoria para los inmigrantes.

La Directora Ejecutiva de SIREN, Maricela Gutiérrez, comentó: "Está claro que la mayoría del Congreso está más preocupada por alimentar la guerra racista y xenófoba de Trump contra los inmigrantes que por encontrar una solución permanente para los DREAMers. Los miembros del Congreso en ambos lados del pasillo, incluidos varios de California, votaron a favor de este ómnibus entregado a Trump. Los más notables de los que votaron Sí son los Representantes locales Nancy Pelosi, Anna Eshoo, Jim Costa y David Valadao, con quienes SIREN se ha reunido recientemente para expresar nuestras preocupaciones. Para decirlo claramente, nos fallaron al respaldar su máquina de deportación y le dieron la espalda a los DREAMers con sus votos. El Congreso necesita desarrollar una columna vertebral y luchar contra la agenda de Trump que aterroriza a los inmigrantes en nuestras comunidades ".

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Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network

ACTION ALERT: Call Your Senators and Urge Them to #DefundHate and Pass #CleanDREAMNow

*Español debajo

Today, the House of Representatives has passed a budget deal that includes funding for border fencing, an increase in ICE attorneys, and funding for detention beds.

The House had the unique opportunity to put over one million DREAMers on a pathway to citizenship by including DREAM Act legislation and refugee resettlement funding into the budget package  AND FAILED! 

This fight is not over as the Senate still has to vote.

Can you call Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris today to tell them to defund ALL of Trump’s hateful agenda and attach a Clean DREAM Act to the budget bill?

Please call/tweet at these members of Congress and tell them #NotOneDollar for funding that promotes the separation of families and mass deportations.




Feel free to use this script:

“Hello, my name is __________ and I live in (city) and I am calling to urge Senator _________ to vote against any budget deals that include ANY funding for Trump’s deportation machine and to attach clean DREAM Act to the omnibus spending bill.”


Our work cannot be possible without supporters like you. Please consider making a donation today so we can continue to empower immigrant families in Northern California.

You can make a donation here


Llamada de acción para #DefundirElOdioYLucharPorUnActoDeSueñoLimpio


Hoy, la Cámara de Representantes aprobó un acuerdo presupuestario que incluye fondos para un muro fronterizo, un aumento en los abogados de ICE y financiamiento para camas de detención.

¡La Cámara tuvo la oportunidad única de poner a más de un millón de Soñadores en un camino hacia la ciudadanía al incluir la legislación del Acto de Sueño y el financiamiento de reasentamiento de refugiados en el paquete presupuestario Y FALLO!

Esta pelea no ha terminado ya que el Senado aún tiene que votar.

¿Pueden llamar hoy a las senadoras Dianne Feinstein y Kamala Harris para pedirles que rechacen TODA la odiosa agenda de Trump y que incluyan un Acto de Sueños limpio en el presupuesto?

Llame / tweet a estos miembros del Congreso y dígales #NotOneDollar #NiUnDólar para obtener fondos que promuevan la separación de familias y las deportaciones masivas.



Siéntase libre de usar esta guía:

"Hola, mi nombre es __________ y vivo en (ciudad) y llamo para pedirle al la Senadora _________  vote en contra de cualquier acuerdo presupuestario que incluya CUALQUIER financiamiento para la máquina de deportación de Trump y agrege el Acto de Sueños limpio a la ley de gastos ómnibus".


Nuestro trabajo no puede ser posible sin seguidores como usted. Por favor, considere hacer una donación hoy para que podamos continuar empoderando a las familias inmigrantes en el norte de California.

Puedes hacer una donación aquí

Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

Donate here:


Maricela Gutierrez - Executive Director
Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network

Call to Action to Defund Hate/Pass Clean DREAM in Budget // Llamado de acción para desanimar el odio/aprobar el Acto de Sueño limpio en el presupuesto del gobierno

Congress must pass a spending bill to fund the federal government by March 23, and as we speak, Congressional leaders are currently negotiating how much money to give Trump’s deportation force, as he is asking for $21.5 billion to be included in Department of Homeland Security spending to ramp up his deportation machine and fund his border wall.

In the budget talks, Congress also has the unique opportunity to put over one million DREAMers on a pathway to citizenship by attaching DREAM Act legislation to an omnibus package in the budget bill.


Can you make a call to member of Congress and Leader Nancy Pelosi today to tell them to defund Trump’ hateful agenda and attach a Clean DREAM Act to the omnibus spending bill?



Feel free to use this script:

“Hello, my name is __________ and I live in (city) and I am calling to urge Rep/Sen _________ to vote against any budget deals that include funding for Trump’s deportation machine and to attach clean DREAM Act to the omnibus spending bill.”


 Please also sign our petition to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who sits on the Senate Appropriations Committee, urging her to not support one dollar toward DHS funding and include clean DREAM Act in the spending bill.


Our work cannot be possible without supporters like you. Please consider making a donation today so we can continue to empower immigrant families in Northern California.

You can make a donation here



Llamada de acción para #DefundirElOdioYLucharPorUnActoDeSueñoLimpio

El Congreso debe aprobar un proyecto de ley para financiar el gobierno federal antes del 23 de marzo y mientras hablamos, los líderes del Congreso están negociando cuánto dinero dar al plan de deportación de Trump. Pide que se incluyan $ 21,500 millones en gastos del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional para aumentar su máquina de deportación y financiar su muro fronterizo.

En las pláticas presupuestarias, el Congreso también tiene la oportunidad única de colocar a más de un millón de Soñadores en el camino hacia la ciudadanía al unir la legislación de un Acto de Sueño limpio a un paquete general en el proyecto de ley de presupuesto.

¿Puede hacer un llamada hoy a la miembro del Congreso y líder Nancy Pelosi para pedirle que desembolsen la odiosa agenda de Trump y que incluyan un Acto de Sueño limpio en el proyecto de ley general de gastos?


Siéntase libre de usar esta guía:

"Hola, mi nombre es __________ y vivo en (ciudad) y llamo para instar a Rep / Sen _________  vote en contra de cualquier acuerdo presupuestario que incluya fondos para la máquina de deportación de Trump y adjuntar un Acto de Sueño limpio al proyecto de ley de gastos ómnibus".

También firme nuestra petición a la senadora Dianne Feinstein, que forma parte del Comité de Asignaciones del Senado, para presionarla a no apoyar un dólar para obtener los fondos del DHS e incluir un Acto de Sueño limpio en el proyecto de ley de gastos.


Nuestro trabajo no puede ser posible sin seguidores como usted. Por favor, considere hacer una donación hoy para que podamos continuar empoderando a las familias inmigrantes en el norte de California.


Puedes hacer una donación aquí

Maricela Gutierrez