Maricela Gutiérrez: With love and justice  // Con amor y justicia


Dear Friends,

As the fight for immigrant and refugee rights has intensified over the last few years, our commitment to our work and core beliefs have only continued to grow exponentially.

It gives us great pleasure to announce SIREN’s upcoming 32nd Anniversary Celebration, a journey marked by both obstacles and triumphs, ups and downs, but most importantly, by devoted people who believe in the fundamental rights of every human being and their unyielding will to fight.

We ask you to join us on Friday, April 26, 2019 at the Mexican Heritage Plaza in San Jose in support of immigrants and refugees. Stand with us because you believe in their rights, their contributions, and in their hopes and dreams. Stand with us because you believe that this moment in history requires each and every one of us do something to change the course of this country.

Join us on April 26, 2019 for an evening of inspiration and empowerment. Reserve your ticket today. Become a sponsor to uplift the lives of immigrants and refugees today. 

With love and justice 

Maricela Gutiérrez
Executive Director 

Queridos Amigos,

A medida que la lucha por los derechos de los inmigrantes y los refugiados se ha intensificado en los últimos años, nuestro compromiso con nuestro trabajo y nuestras creencias fundamentales solo han seguido creciendo de manera exponencial.

Nos complacemos en anunciar el aniversario de SIREN celebrando 32 años, un viaje marcado por obstáculos y triunfos, momentos altos y bajos, pero lo más importante, por personas devotas que creen en los derechos fundamentales de cada ser humano y en su inquebrantable voluntad de luchar.

Les pedimos que se unan a nosotros el viernes 26 de abril de 2019 en la Plaza de la Herencia Mexicana en San José para apoyar a los inmigrantes y refugiados. Únete a nosotros porque crees en sus derechos, sus contribuciones y en sus esperanzas y sueños. Únete a nosotros porque crees que este momento en la historia requiere que todos y cada uno de nosotros hagamos algo para cambiar el curso de este país.

Únase a nosotros el 26 de abril de 2019 para una noche de inspiración y empoderamiento. Reserve su boleto hoy. Conviértase en un patrocinador hoy para elevar las vidas de inmigrantes y refugiados.


Con amor y justicia,

Maricela Gutiérrez
Directora Ejecutiva



2904 N. Blackstone, Suite 202, Fresno CA 93703 | (559) 840-0005

1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San Jose, CA 95112 | (408) 453-3003



Ambar González es una joven líder y defensora dedicada a los derechos de los inmigrantes y refugiados. “Es un año nuevo y hay mucho que hacer en la lucha por los derechos de los inmigrantes y los refugiados. Por eso les pido que se convierta en miembro de SIREN para el 2019,” afirma.

Read More




It is with bittersweet feelings that I will be transitioning out of my role as Policy Director at SIREN. For close to six years, I have had the honor and privilege of being able to join colleagues, partners, and our grassroots leaders in the fight to advance immigrant rights at SIREN.

Read More




Para satisfacer las crecientes necesidades de nuestras comunidades de inmigrantes y refugiados, SIREN ha crecido enormemente en los últimos tres años duplicando el tamaño de nuestro personal, expandiendo nuestro alcance geográfico y casi triplicando nuestro presupuesto. Estamos buscando personas dedicadas y talentosas para unirse a nuestro movimiento en la construcción del poder de inmigrantes y refugiados. Ayúdenos a correr la voz acerca de las posiciones abiertas que actualmente tenemos disponibles en nuestras oficinas en el Área de la Bahía y Valle Central. SIREN ofrece un salario competitivo y un gran paquete de beneficios.

Para obtener más información o para presentar una solicitud, visítenos


In order to meet the growing needs of our immigrant and refugees communities, SIREN has grown tremendously within the past three years by doubling our staff size, expanding our geographic reach and almost tripling our budget. We are looking for dedicated, talented individuals to join our movement in building immigrant and refugee power. Help us spread the word about the open positions we currently have available in both our Bay Area and Central Valley offices. SIREN offers a competitive salary and a great benefits package.

For more information or to apply, please visit us at



Fresno establece un comité de inmigración "largamente vencido", pero no tiene fondos. / Fresno establishes ‘long overdue’ immigration committee–but it has no funding. Fresno Bee Online: February 17, 2019.

Gutiérrez: Los inmigrantes tienen el poder con nuestro voto. / Gutierrez: Immigrants hold the power with our vote. San Jose Spotlight: February 6, 2019.

Se espera que Trump se centre en la seguridad de las fronteras en la dirección de la Oficina Oval de la Casa Blanca. / Trump expected to focus on border security in address from Oval Office. KGO-AM Online: January 9, 2019.


Fresno establishes ‘long overdue’ immigration committee–but it has no funding. Fresno Bee Online: February 17, 2019.

Gutierrez: Immigrants hold the power with our vote. San Jose Spotlight: February 6, 2019.

Trump expected to focus on border security in address from Oval Office. KGO-AM Online: January 9, 2019. 



2904 N. Blackstone, Suite 202, Fresno CA 93703 | (559) 840-0005

1415 Koll Circle, Suite 108, San Jose, CA 95112 | (408) 453-3003

Fresno establishes ‘long overdue’ immigration committee — but it has no funding


FEBRUARY 17, 2019 06:00 AM,

UPDATED FEBRUARY 17, 2019 02:08 PM


Fresno immigrant advocates believe a “long overdue” new advisory committee will make a dent on issues affecting the local immigrant community — despite having no funding attached.

The Fresno City Council on Thursday unanimously passed a resolution to establish a 15-member immigrant affairs committee. The committee will be tasked with advising the City Council on issues related to immigrants, according to the resolution. 

In June 2017, the City Council turned down a proposal to establish a legal defense fund for immigrants facing deportation.

The proposal asked for the city to include $200,000 in its 2017-18 budget for its contribution to the public-private legal fund that had been pushed by immigration and civil rights advocates.

Some acknowledged that not having to make an upfront funding commitment for the advisory committee might have played a role in the unanimous support for Thursday’s resolution. 

Samuel Molina, state director for Mi Familia Vota, said he and others had been advocating for the committee for about a year and a half. 

“It’s long overdue,” Molina said.

While he agreed that having no funding attached might have contributed to the passage of the resolution, he believes the committee can accomplish several things.

For example, it shows the immigrant community that the City Council stands with them and takes their concerns seriously, he said. The committee has the potential to address several issues within the immigrant community, like transition into citizenship and language barriers.

Plus, similar committees in other jurisdictions have shown to be effective. “Committees have worked to develop strategic plans on addressing immigrant issues and needs,” he said.

Council Member Luis Chavez said the city has to start somewhere when it comes to communicating with the immigrant community and including immigrants in the city’s decision-making process.

“This is a way to bring them to the table,” he said. “I think what we are trying to do here, is the first step in building a bridge with city hall and the immigrant community.”

Each council member will nominate two members and the mayor will appoint one, Chavez said. All committee members are expected to be in place by the end of March or early April, and the group will start its work soon after that. 

The committee’s meetings will be subject to the Brown Act and will be open to the public, according to the resolution.

Eliseo V. Gamino, chair of the Central Valley Leadership Roundtable, said he hopes the committee will have resources and accountability. 

The committee should be based on assistance and in “helping keep families together” – a need that has recently been illustrated with the case of a Navy veteran who fears could be deported, Gamino said. 

But Gamino said the committee does need adequate resources to be effective. 

“It has to have appropriate resources and accountability goals to help families stay... together and avoid deportation without due process,” he said. 

Chavez said the committee will have city hall resources, as well as access to department heads, the city’s attorney’s office and access to his personal office. 

Issues the advisory committee can help address, Chavez said, range from long wait times for international flights at the Fresno International Airport due to an inadequate number of U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers, to offering English as a Second Language (ESL) classes and making citizenship classes more widely available. 

The legal defense fund is an issue the committee could bring back to the table as well, he said. 

Maricela Gutierrez, executive director with Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Services (SIREN), applauded the new committee. 

“I think this is a step in the right direction,” she said. “Our wish and dream is that one day there is actually an office of immigrants and refugee affairs.”

Read more here:

Gutiérrez: Immigrants hold the power with our vote

Screen Shot 2019-02-16 at 3.14.44 PM.png

SIREN started the 2019 year in the immigrant and refugees rights movement with the federal government in a partial shutdown, where more than 800,000 federal workers were working without pay due to a failure between President Donald Trump and Congress to compromise over a useless and unnecessary border wall.

And on January 25, after 35 days of the longest government shutdown in U.S. history, a budget continuing resolution was passed to open the government for another three weeks — without funding for the border wall.

From the resistance by members of Congress who refused to give in to Trump’s border demands, a major theme rang true — immigrant voters helped put Congress in a position to resist this discriminatory and racist wall.

For the November 2018 midterm elections, we saw record voter turnout among immigrants on the regional, state, and national level. Though SIREN doesn’t engage voters on behalf of candidates, we heard the frustration from voters in those districts where incumbent members of Congress lost.

Our volunteers made more than 80,000 phone calls to Congressional Districts 10 and 21, who were represented by Rep. Jeff Denham and Rep. David Valadao, respectively, this past election. The number one concern voiced by immigrant voters was how Congress wasn’t doing enough for immigrants.

From not protecting immigrant youth by failing to pass a clean DREAM Act to not pushing back against Trump’s draconian immigration executive orders, immigrant voters shared their disapproval for their members of Congress and their empty promises. As a result, the two incumbents lost their congressional seats this past November, along with other incumbents across the state and country.

San Joaquin Valley’s elected officials must stand up for immigrants

San Joaquin Valley’s elected officials must stand up for immigrants


SEPTEMBER 04, 2018 11:47 AM,


Pro-ICE supporter Ben Bergquam, left, and Jaimie Loza, right, who spoke out for immigrant rights, have a heated exchange at the community rally outside the Hall of Records building, Tuesday Aug 8, 2018. The demonstration was held to protest recent a…

Pro-ICE supporter Ben Bergquam, left, and Jaimie Loza, right, who spoke out for immigrant rights, have a heated exchange at the community rally outside the Hall of Records building, Tuesday Aug 8, 2018. The demonstration was held to protest recent arrests by ICE agents at the Fresno County Courthouse. JOHN WALKER FRESNO BEE FILE

Since mid-July, Immigration and Custom Enforcement officials have been making arrests at Fresno’s courthouses, violating people’s right to due process and continuing to stoke fear within the immigrant community. It’s no coincidence that Fresno County is home to one of the fiercest in-state critics of California’s sanctuary policies, Sheriff Margaret Mims, who has proudly announced that her deputies and ICE have a strong working relationship. Though she claims that she is complying with state laws, the experience of community members in the Valley proves that there continues to be tight entanglement between her office and ICE. In our daily interactions with the immigrant community, providing legal services and know your rights trainings, we have heard more and more stories about a growing fear of contacting local law enforcement because of legitimate concerns of potential deportation.

The Central Valley is being acutely impacted by Trump’s war on immigrants – so much so that my organization, the Services, Immigrant Rights & Education Network is poised to open a new office in Fresno due to increased demand. I have witnessed the plight of immigrants in our community firsthand since I was young. I grew up in the Fresno area as the daughter of immigrant farmworkers, hearing the stories of abusive employers and seeing my family and neighbors racially profiled by police and targeted by ICE. Now, as the executive director of SIREN, an immigrant and refugee rights advocacy organization, I’ve been connecting with many people who have been swept up by ICE in their brutal campaign.

SIREN Condemns National Emergency Declaration on Border Wall // SIREN condena Declaración Nacional de Emergencia en El Muro Fronterizo

For Immediate Release: Friday, February 15, 2019

Contact:; (408) 453-3003


Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) Condemns National Emergency Declaration on Border Wall

Congress must be bold in fighting against Trump’s racist agenda

Today, Trump declared a national emergency to create a border wall. Despite members of Congress on both sides of the aisle caving into his demands for funding for immigration enforcement and detention yesterday, he continues to advance his white supremacist agenda to further militarize the border, dehumanize immigrants and refugees, and play up the politics of racism and fear. By making this emergency declaration, he is openly undermining Congress and will immediately face challenges in court.

The following is a statement from Maricela Gutiérrez, Executive Director of SIREN:

“The true emergencies are the rampant detention and deportation of immigrants, turning back of asylum-seekers, and the lives of DACA-recipients and TPS holders being in limbo since this Administration took office.  It is disturbing, yet not surprising, that Trump is willing to take unilateral and unconstitutional steps to get his racist wall - especially after Congress abandoned the immigrant community and shamefully handed him more money for detention beds, immigration agents, and border barriers yesterday. While we look forward to supporting efforts to challenge Trump’s declaration in court, it is imperative that our members of Congress show courage and remain accountable to their constituents by taking steps to reverse this dangerous declaration and completely defunding ICE and CBP. ”

Help support our efforts to #DefundHate and fight back against Trump’s attacks on immigrant and refugee communities by making a donation to SIREN today.


La Red de Servicios, Derechos de los Inmigrantes y Educación (SIREN) condena Declaración Nacional de Emergencia en El Muro Fronterizo
El Congreso debe ser audaz en la lucha contra la agenda racista de Trump

Hoy, Trump hizo una declaración de emergencia nacional para crear un muro fronterizo. A pesar de que los miembros del Congreso a ambos lados del pasillo se hundieron en sus demandas de fondos para la aplicación de la ley de inmigración y la detención ayer, continúa avanzando en su agenda de supremacía blanca para militarizar aún más la frontera, deshumanizar a los inmigrantes y refugiados, y poner en práctica la política de racismo y temor. Al hacer esta declaración de emergencia, está socavando abiertamente al Congreso e inmediatamente enfrentará desafíos en la corte.

La siguiente es una declaración de Maricela Gutiérrez, Directora Ejecutiva de SIREN:

“Las verdaderas emergencias son la detención y deportación desenfrenada de inmigrantes, el rechazo de los solicitantes de asilo y las vidas de los beneficiarios de DACA y los titulares de TPS que están en el limbo desde que esta Administración asumió el cargo. Es preocupante, pero no sorprendente, que Trump esté dispuesto a tomar medidas unilaterales e inconstitucionales para obtener su muro racista, especialmente después de que el Congreso abandonó a la comunidad de inmigrantes y le entregó vergonzosamente más dinero para camas de detención, agentes de inmigración y barreras fronterizas ayer. Si bien esperamos apoyar los esfuerzos para desafiar la declaración de Trump en la corte, es imperativo que nuestros miembros del Congreso demuestren valor y sean responsables ante sus electores al tomar medidas para revertir esta peligrosa declaración y eliminar completamente el ICE y el CBP. ”

Apoye nuestros esfuerzos para #DefundirElOdio y luchar contra los ataques de Trump contra las comunidades de inmigrantes y refugiados haciendo una donación a SIREN hoy.


SIREN is an immigrant rights organization based in Northern California and the Central Valley. Its mission is to empower low-income immigrants and refugees through community education and organizing, leadership development, policy advocacy, civic engagement and legal services. We believe that all people regardless of legal status or nationality are entitled to essential services, human dignity, basic rights and protections, and access to full participation in society.

Maricela Gutiérrez - Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network

Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 


Queridos Amigos,

El equipo de SIREN ha comenzado el año nuevo con nuestro compromiso y dedicación renovados a las comunidades a las que servimos. En este momento en que el presidente está presionando obsesivamente por un muro inútil, más que nunca, ¡debemos levantarnos y luchar por políticas respetuosas, humanas y que mantengan a las familias unidas! SIREN continuará luchando ferozmente por los inmigrantes y refugiados a través de nuestro trabajo en el empoderamiento de nuestros jóvenes y comunidades, los servicios legales, la defensa de políticas y el compromiso cívico.

A medida que comenzamos un nuevo capítulo emocionante, aquí hay un breve resumen de algunos de nuestros logros más orgullosos del 2018:

  • Expansión de SIREN y apertura de nuestra oficina en el Valle Central para servir a las comunidades más necesitadas.

  • Expansión de nuestro equipo legal que continúa luchando con éxito por nuestros clientes.

  • Organización de innumerables acciones este año para promover DACA / Clean Dream Act, Abolish ICE, Carga Pública (Public Charge), Defund Hate y otros.

  • Más de 1,000 voluntarios nuevos que hablan español, farsi y vietnamita reclutados, capacitados y movilizados para apoyar nuestro trabajo.

  • Ofrecimos asistencia legal directa y representación a más de 5,000 personas.

  • Más de 15,000 textos por medio de nuestra red SIREN para informar y educar sobre temas importantes.

  • Dirigimos la capacitación y apoyamos a cientos de líderes juveniles, incluyendo 90 participantes del Instituto de Verano para la Liberación Juvenil.

  • Más de 15,000 jóvenes y nuevos ciudadanos estadounidenses fueron registrados para votar.

  • Más de 130,000 llamadas telefónicas para informar y activar a los votantes de baja propensión en el norte de California y Valle Central.

¡Les agradecemos por prestar su apoyo como voluntario, donante, patrocinador, aliado y amigo! Es gracias a ustedes que podemos continuar expandiendo nuestro trabajo e impacto cada año. Los invitamos a continuar apoyando nuestra valiosa misión hoy.

Con amor y justicia,

Maricela Gutiérrez

Dear Friends,

The SIREN team has begun the New Year with a renewed commitment and dedication to the many communities that we serve. At a time when the present administration is obsessively pushing for a useless wall, more than ever, we must rise up and fight for policies that are respectful, humane, and keep families together! SIREN will continue to fight fiercely for immigrants and refugees through our legal services, policy advocacy, civic engagement and through our community organizing with our multiracial and intergenerational leaders at the forefront.

As we begin an exciting new chapter, here is a brief recap of some of our proudest accomplishments in 2018:

  • SIREN expanded and opened an office in the Central Valley Office to serve communities in most need.

  • Expanded our legal team that continues to successfully fight for our clients.

  • Mobilized countless of directly impacted community members to take action and advocate for a Clean Dream Act, Abolish ICE, Public Charge, Defund Hate and more.

  • Over 1,000 new Spanish, Farsi and Vietnamese speaking volunteers recruited, trained, and mobilized to support our work.

  • Provided direct legal assistance and representation to over 5,000 individuals.

  • Over 15,000 texts sent to our SIREN network to inform and educate on important issues.

  • Led trainings to support hundreds of youth leaders, including 90 Youth Liberation Summer Institute participants.

  • Over 15,000 youth and new American citizens registered to vote.

  • Over 130,000 phone contacts made to inform and activate low propensity voters in Northern California and the Central Valley.

We thank you for lending your support as a volunteer, donor, sponsor, ally, and friend! It is because of your contributions that we can continue to expand our work and impact every year. We invite you to continue to support our valuable mission today.

With love and justice,

Maricela Gutiérrez



En 2018, celebramos la apertura de nuestra oficina del Valle Central y la comunidad nos acogió con entusiasmo. Hoy, estamos orgullosos de anunciar el lanzamiento de nuestras Clínicas de Defensa de Deportación, que brindarán asesoría legal gratuita a personas necesitadas en todo el Valle Central todos los martes de 9:00am a 4:00pm y talleres, Conozca sus Derechos, cada martes a las 10:00am.

“SIREN se complace en ser el primero en brindar este tipo de servicio en el Valle Central. Nuestra comunidad ha estado desatendida durante demasiado tiempo. Es a través de nuestro sistema legal que podemos tener un impacto profundo en la vida de muchas personas y tenemos un equipo legal fenomenal que está liderando el camino," dijo Maricela Gutiérrez, Directora Ejecutiva de SIREN.

Además de las Clínicas de Defensa de Deportación semanales, SIREN continuará ofreciendo un taller mensual de asilo el cuarto sábado del mes de 10:00am a 2:00pm.

“Es extremadamente importante que las personas entiendan sus derechos y que obtengan asesoría legal de expertos legales calificados. SIREN está aquí para responder a sus preguntas y brindar orientación a cualquier persona que lo necesite," dijo el abogado Jesús Martínez.

Para obtener más información, envíenos un correo electrónico a


In 2018, we celebrated the opening of our Central Valley office and were warmly embraced by the community. Today, we are proud to announce the launch of our Removal Defense Clinics, which will provide free legal counsel to people in need throughout the Central Valley the clinics will take place every Tuesday from 9:00am to 4:00pm and and Know Your Rights workshops every Tuesday at 10:00am.

“SIREN is excited to be the first to provide these types of services in the Central Valley. Our community has been underserved for far too long. It is through our legal system and community lawyering that we can make a profound impact on people’s lives and we have an phenomenal legal team that is leading the way,” said Maricela Gutiérrez, SIREN’s Executive Director.

In addition to the weekly Removal Defense Clinics, SIREN will continue to offer our Free monthly Asylum Legal Clinics on the fourth Saturday of the month from 10:00am to 2:00pm.

“It is tremendously important that people understand their rights and that they obtain legal advice from qualified legal experts. SIREN is here to answer questions and provide guidance to anyone in need,” said Staff Attorney Jesus Martínez.

For more information, email us at



Únase a nosotros para dar la bienvenida a nuestra nueva colega en el Valle Central, Cindy Her. Nació y se crió en Fresno, es la menor de 8 hermanos y la tercera en ir a la universidad en su familia. Actualmente es estudiante de segundo año en la Universidad Estatal de Fresno con especialización en desarrollo infantil y minoría en Hmong. Su objetivo es convertirse en maestra y defensora de la comunidad Hmong.

“Trabajar con SIREN me ha ayudado a comprender lo poco que sabe la comunidad sobre sus derechos constitucionales. Al crecer en una comunidad donde somos una minoría, quiero ayudar a mi comunidad con todo lo que pueda a través de SIREN. Estoy extremadamente emocionada y honrada de ser parte del equipo de SIREN," dijo Cindy.


Join us in welcoming our new Fellow for the Central Valley, Cindy Her. She was born and raised in Fresno, is the youngest of 8, and the third to go to college in her family. She is currently a sophomore at Fresno State University majoring in child development and minoring in Hmong. Her goal is to become a teacher and an advocate for the Hmong community.

“Working with SIREN has helped open my eyes to so much about how little the community knows about their constitutional rights. Growing up in a community where we are the minority, I want to help my community with all that I can through SIREN. I am extremely excited and honored to be a part of the SIREN team!,” said Cindy.



Estamos recolectando donaciones para apoyar a un padre inmigrante detenido en el Centro de Detención de Adelanto. Les agradeceremos mucho su apoyo. ¡Done aquí!



We are collecting donations to support a loving immigrant father detained at Adelanto Detention Center. All donations are welcome. Donate here!

Questions? Email



We are collecting donations to support a young man who is being detained at Mesa Verde Detention Center. He suffers from mental health issues and is in need of medical care. He needs the community's support! Donate here!

Questions? Email


Estamos recolectando donaciones para apoyar a un joven que está detenido en el Centro de Detención Mesa Verde. Sufre de problemas de salud mental y necesita atención médica. ¡Necesita el apoyo de la comunidad! ¡Done aquí!




En colaboración con nuestros socios CAIR SF, acompáñenos en aprender cómo puede ser un espectador efectivo y apoyar a alguien que es víctima de acoso o discriminación. ¡Informase como puede participar en las campañas del 2019 de SIREN! 

¡Reserva su lugar hoy!


In collaboration with our partners CAIR SF, come learn how you can be an effective bystander and support someone who is the victim of bullying and/or discrimination. Learn about SIREN's 2019 campaigns and how you can get involved! 

RSVP today!



Terminamos el 2018 con un nivel alto de participación de votantes en una elección en nuestra región y estado. Esto fue posible gracias a nuestros extraordinarios voluntarios que ayudaron a registrar a 15,000 nuevos votantes inmigrantes y jóvenes y que hicieron más de 130,000 llamadas telefónicas el noviembre pasado.

En el 2019, ya nos hemos subido las mangas y estamos en marcha. Hemos visto el cierre de gobierno más prolongado en la historia de los Estados Unidos por un muro fronterizo cruel e innecesario.

Vimos a nuestro nuevo gobernador en California proponer más de $260 millones en fondos para la expansión de Medi-Cal para jóvenes indocumentados en nuestro estado. Sin embargo, tenemos que seguir luchando para asegurarnos de que TODOS los californianos indocumentados estén cubiertos.

Estamos preparando y educando a nuestras comunidades sobre la importancia del Censo de 2020 y cómo llenar el formulario cuando esté disponible.

Hay mucho trabajo por hacer y no podemos hacerlo sin los miembros de SIREN. ¡Es por eso que esta semana estamos lanzando nuestra iniciativa para incrementar la membresía de SIREN! Por $25 para todo el año usted puede:

  • Asistir a nuestra conferencia anual para miembros de SIREN

  • Participar en la membresía SIREN y entrenamientos para voluntarios

  • Votar para respaldar las políticas y propuestas de votación en las elecciones

  • Participar en visitas legislativas con funcionarios electos claves y líderes de nivel alto

  • Asistir a eventos culturales y artísticos

¡El momento es ahora! Continuemos con el gran impulso que iniciamos en el 2018 para crear un estado receptivo y una región cálida para los inmigrantes.

Puede registrarse para convertirse en miembro de SIREN haciendo clic aquí.

¡Gracias y sigamos construyendo juntos!


We ended 2018 with one of the highest voter turnouts in an election in our region and state, thanks to our remarkable volunteers helping to register 15,000 new immigrant and youth voters and making over 130,000 phone calls last November.

Already in 2019, we have rolled up our sleeves and got straight to work. We have seen the longest government shutdown in U.S. history over a cruel and unnecessary border wall.

We saw our new governor in California propose over $260 million in funding for Medi-Cal expansion for undocumented youth in our state, but we need to continue to fight to ensure that ALL undocumented Californians are covered.

And we are preparing and educating our communities on the importance of the 2020 U.S. Census and how to fill out the form when it is available.

There is so much work to be done, and we can’t do it without our SIREN members. That is why this week we are launching our SIREN Membership Drive for 2019! For $25 for the entire year you can:

  • Attend our annual membership conference

  • Participate in SIREN membership and volunteer trainings

  • Vote to endorse policies and ballot propositions in elections

  • Participate in legislative visits with key elected officials and decision makers

  • Attend cultural and art events

The moment is now! Let’s continue the great momentum we started in 2018 to create a more welcoming state and region for immigrants. You can sign up to become a SIREN member by clicking here.

Thank you, and let’s continue to build together!



Visite el calendario de clínicas legales de SIREN haciendo clic aquí.


Visit SIREN's legal clinics calendar by clicking here.


Mire nuestras últimas ofertas de trabajo aquí.

SIREN Condemns Trump’s Threat to Declare National Emergency // SIREN Condena la Amenaza de Trump de Declarar una Emergencia Nacional

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, January 8, 2018

Contact:; (408) 453-3003


Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) Condemns Trump’s Threat to Declare National Emergency Trump has manufactured the border crisis and Congress must oppose funding for DHS

Today, Trump is expected to make a potential declaration of a national emergency at the border. In an attempt to circumvent Congress and as a result of the federal government shutdown that he created, Trump is attempting to force the creation of a border wall. By making such an emergency declaration, Trump would be undermining Congress and walking on very questionable legal ground.

The following is a statement from Maricela Gutiérrez, Executive Director of Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN):

“The only crisis that exists at the border is the unconscionable detention, abuses, and deaths of individuals arriving at the border. Trump and his administration are responsible for the atrocities against asylum-seekers and immigrants coming to this country denying them of basic rights and human dignity. He is also responsible for the current federal government shutdown which he is using as justification for the racist wall and declaration of a national emergency. By separating children from their families and denying legal avenues to apply for asylum, the Trump administration created a humanitarian crisis at the border. Our country should be welcoming those coming to the border - not falsely declaring a national emergency to build a wall.”

Individuals can call their members of Congress and Congressional leadership urging them to oppose any increased funding for the Department of Homeland Security. Help support our efforts to #DefundHate and fight back against Trump’s attacks on immigrant and refugee communities by making a donationto SIREN today.



La Red de Servicios, Derechos de los Inmigrantes y Educación (SIREN) condena la amenaza de Trump de declarar una emergencia nacional
Trump ha fabricado la crisis fronteriza y el Congreso debe oponerse a los fondos para el DHS

Hoy, se espera que Trump haga una declaración potencial de una emergencia nacional en la frontera. En un intento por eludir el Congreso y como resultado del cierre del gobierno federal que él creó, Trump intenta forzar la creación de un muro fronterizo. Al hacer tal declaración de emergencia, Trump estaría socavando al Congreso y caminando sobre un terreno legal muy cuestionable.

La siguiente es una declaración de Maricela Gutiérrez, Directora Ejecutiva de Servicios, Derechos de Inmigrantes y Red de Educación (SIREN):

“La única crisis que existe en la frontera es la detención desmedida, los abusos y las muertes de personas que llegan a la frontera. Trump y su administración son responsables por las atrocidades contra los solicitantes de asilo y los inmigrantes que llegan a este país y les niegan los derechos básicos y la dignidad humana. También es responsable del actual cierre del gobierno federal que está utilizando como justificación para el muro racista y la declaración de una emergencia nacional. Al separar a los niños de sus familias y negar las vías legales para solicitar asilo, el gobierno de Trump creó una crisis humanitaria en la frontera. "Nuestro país debería dar la bienvenida a los que vienen a la frontera, no declarar falsamente una emergencia nacional para construir un muro".

Las personas pueden llamar a sus miembros del Congreso y al liderazgo del Congreso para pedirles que se opongan a cualquier aumento de fondos para el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional. Ayude a apoyar nuestros esfuerzos para #DefundirElOdio y luchar contra los ataques de Trump contra las comunidades inmigrantes y refugiados haciendo una donación a SIREN hoy.


SIREN is an immigrant rights organization based in Northern California and the Central Valley. Its mission is to empower low-income immigrants and refugees through community education and organizing, leadership development, policy advocacy, civic engagement and legal services. We believe that all people regardless of legal status or nationality are entitled to essential services, human dignity, basic rights and protections, and access to full participation in society.

Maricela Gutiérrez - Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network

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The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE.